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  1. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    she’s not signed to them, she’s licensed to them strictly under promotion. all they do is promote her stuff, nothing she ever does or puts out is ran through them. 
  2. basico liked a post in a topic by cranekiss in Ethel Cain   
    just found out she produces ALL OF HER STUFF HERSELF!?!?!?! god this girl is fucking TALENTED.... excellent singer, excellent songwriter, excellent producer. wish i got into her sooner. 
  3. basico liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Ethel Cain   
    i just relistened to inbred with good headphones

  4. basico liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Ethel Cain   
    also once me + @bigspender find mostly everything that's out there then i'll make a masterpost .zip (but probably a wetransfer one since the spreadsheet will also be up)
  5. basico liked a post in a topic by deepseafishing in Ethel Cain   
    the last minute of the inbred title track just sent me into the stratosphere 

  6. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    hoping not to sound crazy….. but you could literally start with anything because they’re all amazing 
    the one i show all of my friends that instantly gets them hooked is the title track “inbred.” 
    hayden (ethel cain) says that what she would want people first getting into her to listen to first is track 1 off of golden age “sunday morning.”
  7. basico liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Ethel Cain   
    I fucking love this woman and I hate how late I came to the party that I missed all her earlier stuff that seems to be gone from her Bandcamp. Would love to get my hands on the rest of her discog.

    She's so goddamn incredible. 
  8. basico liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Ethel Cain   
    Haven't been this excited for an artist in a while. She's really delivering Concept like..
  9. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    pls tell me ur finding the highest quality possible bc even i struggle with doing that 
  10. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    Dust Bowl (Demo)
    demo from the preacher’s daughter b-sides EP! she just finished this last night, shared a snippet originally on her private instagram and then posted to twitter. she sent us the link this morning 
  11. basico liked a post in a topic by colacoven in Ethel Cain   
    WTFF?? that is such an interesting way to tell the story! I had no clue the character was starting off dead. and I saw her say somewhere (prob her tumblr) that the EPs including inbred are not so much a part of the trilogy and instead they are kind of the events that happened before ethel's story. but those projects are more inspired by her own experience, like all of the ethel songs. because as she's said before: ethel isn't hayden, but she does contain parts of her.
    + I'm excited for strangers, but american teenager is going to own me. and I love that her tour will prioritize the south bc I want to see her live. I remember NFR tour leg 3 was the most southern tour lana ever did, but she seems to have grown more fond of coming here tho (hence the texas nikki shows and cancelled bonaroo set).
  12. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    that was me who asked about the golden age/inbred incorporation into the ethel cain story LOL!!!
  13. basico liked a post in a topic by jackmichaelmyers in Ethel Cain   
  14. basico liked a post in a topic by inanna in Ethel Cain   
    You're doing the Lord's work
    Edit: I forgot to add that there's banjo on the album
  15. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    she said she might release music under hayden but could also keep ethel cain as her personal trademark but she doesn’t know yet. 
    also i’m assuming this trilogy and story is going to take YEARS to make (she said 10 years but let’s hope it won’t be that long) 
    3 albums, a novel, and a movie….. we’re winning
  16. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    ALSO i forgot to mention:
    Ethel Cain is DEAD. Preacher’s Daughter is the LAST album of the trilogy, and she’s starting from the end. 
    Hayden’s annotation on the last track, Strangers is about a stockholm-syndrome stricken kidnappee who falls in love with the wrong person 
  17. basico liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Ethel Cain   
  18. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    quite a few updates happened last night. 
    -If she wins a grammy, she’ll officially release Saddle Up
    -Her tour booking agents are prioritizing the south for obvious reasons (something lana will never do)
    -The b-sides to Preacher’s Daughter will be a completely separate EP and have a different cover, but will be packaged as bonus tracks for the physical release 
    -Her least favorite food is beef stroganoff 
    -Family Tree (Intro), August Underground, and Televangelism are all instrumentals with guitar, piano, scary sounds, and lap steel 
    -Only 3 songs are under 4 minutes
    -The album should be listened to in order and that’s the only way it will make sense, but it’ll all make more sense when the book comes out. 
    -She’ll be doing a live stream on instagram for the Strangers release on April 7th. Here’s the artwork and presave link:

  19. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    that’s not of her nature
  20. basico liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Ethel Cain   
    i really want this album to be good, please ethel do not cater to the masses 
  21. basico liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Ethel Cain   
    i am going to combust  
  22. basico liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Ethel Cain   
    im always annoyed that she didn't use this cover for the digital versions. it's flawless
    -also when is her debut, im a little confused cus i always considered golden age and inbred as ep's
  23. basico liked a post in a topic by bigspender in Ethel Cain   
    new promo shoot for INBRED
  24. basico liked a post in a topic by bff in Ethel Cain   
    she once said in her discord that it’s somewhat of an honor to be compared to her, i can’t remember exactly what she said so i’m not gonna put words in her mouth lol but i would imagine that the constant comparisons rather than being seen as her own artist would be very frustrating. 
    honestly her music is far more influenced and similar to that of nicole dollanganger’s. but i know she’s switching up her style for her upcoming 2022 debut album
  25. basico liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Ethel Cain   
    Got into her earlier this year cause I saw several people compare her to Lana, and tbh, I don’t think people would constantly be comparing her to Lana if it wasn’t for her voice. She got that sultry 2012 Lana-esque voice (which I love), but music wise I don’t think they’re that similar? Sure there are some influences but I was fully expecting to hear a Lana rip-off when I first listened to her, and that wasn’t the case. Must be annoying to get those constant comparisons, & the bigger she’ll get the more it’ll probs happen.
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