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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. omg guys im in my lsat class reading this rn and freaking out because it's gonna leak before I can listen to it
  2. I got my wisdom teeth out and I was just sitting around afterwards, you might want a leak to distract you! Good luck though
  3. You can hear me. Why can't I hear anything? Will you help me? I need your help. Why can't anybody hear me? I don´t belong in the world That's what it is. Something separates me from other people. They are everywhere! They are not going to let me go. Everywhere I turn.... There´s something blocking my escape He´s trying to prevent me from living He´s trying to take me back somewhere I can't fight anymore I don´t know what´s real anymore Is this really the spoken word part to 13 beaches?
  4. I know we were saying strawberry fields forever, but I wish she had done a cover of Across the Universe to close the record. I was listening to it today and it felt so lana to me.
  5. She thanks tim larcombe for helping with one of the best songs she's ever sung on-- does that mean cherry? Also still shook at the fuck up in the love lyrics did no one check anything?
  6. they added "back to work or the coffee shop" in the last paragraph where it doesn't belong lol
  7. also I like how on BPBP she references Video Games
  8. Does world at war's snippet bother anyone else? The cut a rug part just feels a little cringy for me
  9. in my feelings sounds like the best song on the album for me. I love passionate lana bpbp sounds like a gem as well. not as excited for cherry, white mustang & change just because i feel like we already know everything, there isn't as much mystery
  10. sorry if someone said this but what do we think TL means? Also why were people saying eclipse would leak sr?
  11. I remember before the cassettes were UO exclusives, do you guys think this means there are no UO exclusives this year?
  12. is it sad I'm more excited for the box set visuals than the songs?
  13. why is everyone so sure that snippet was the SB chorus? it didn't really sound like a chorus to me
  14. omg i have the same bra lana's wearing in that vid on insta momma I made it!
  15. I listened to GL and 24 side by side and literally see no similarities lol to me it's the 6th untouchable 5-- it doesnt really sound like a copy of one but it could go with them. Tbh sometimes I wonder what would have happened if U5 hadn't leaked. Would lana ever progress to UV sound? would we have Black Beauty as an album instead and what would it sound like?
  16. tbh this is still one of my fav songs by her (lyrically my favorite) uhm awk I kinda like that coat
  17. RBFY (RIP) > GL/Cherry > Change/SB > Love/WM > LFL > RWIMM
  18. someone said in another thread that when the preorder goes up we will get snippets of all the songs, from the itunes previews but that's not true right? I just remember in every other era not knowing what to expect for most songs till the album leaked online
  19. ugh these are amazing. I really think, and I've always thought this, lana just doesn't know which songs to release early from a record. But lust for life is gonna be amazing
  20. I wish lana was releasing summer bummer and maybe a song that showed another side of the record (BPBP or TNC maybe?) on wed instead of two boppy songs that are next to each other on the tracklist, cause she's already put out more boppy stuff thus far she never showed us the other types of songs
  21. I have to say, I'm a little worried about this playboy cardi arrest drama. It's hard to justify having a track like GBA alongside a track that features an artist accused of domestic battery (not saying lana did anything obviously, it just could look bad for people who don't bother to look at the timeline)
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