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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. I feel like this won't be her last album, she always says cryptic stuff like that!
  2. inb4 the exclusive target print is the coachella single art
  3. fuck you caught me! Actually though it's ldeyrey - yay like in hit and run!
  4. cause your signature has a lyric about lilacs on a pic that does not feature lilacs
  5. she said LFL was the first song off the record, so it's that and BPBP
  6. lol thanks a lot google translate for making me look like a dumbo or i typed it in wrong lol my b also, july is a good time to release even if we are looking at competition in the music industry
  7. hi dua! I mean I don't know what happened with her but just in this instance it would cause riots and they already released the date on multiple platforms.
  8. it could be the preorder is delayed/they don't really know when things are happening. I honestly don't believe they would push it back again at this point
  9. google translate says the big bolded quote is: I burned all the bridges for mysticism cryptic
  10. I would love FJM or like cat power? idk if their voices would work together but they would write something amazing
  11. im pretty sure on insta live courtney implied they hadn't done a song together
  12. Sooo the difference is, recordings of live music become readily available in the moment. We watch lana perform live via periscope or insta live or whatever as she's doing it. WIthin a few days everyone who cares enough to listen to it already has. At that point, a label is probably not going to expend time and energy compiling the performance into an album, doing sound editing, paying for cover art, for something that exists without all of that. For albums they have to make the music or it doesn't exist. They will sell the music because their copy of it is the original version of the song, and often is the most HQ. I'm not saying I wouldn't love one, I would, but it is a remnant of a time when you could sell those because there weren't other ways of making live performances available to those who couldn't make it to the concert
  13. people don't put out live albums anymore because live performances are available for free online whereas they didn't use to be so readily accessible
  14. why are you guys getting so heated about this stuff? both opinions about tracklist length are valid-- lana/billboard did mention 18 tracks, however there is a possibility that info changed. That's literally where we're at. I personally think the V interview squashed any hope of that tracklist being real but why don't we just cool our jets and wait until we see it?
  15. lol they forgot about it how am I supposed to know!
  16. The only reason that tracklist seemed credible is because of the summer bummer title being corroborated elsewhere and the sites it was uploaded to. But honestly whoever made it could have done that same soundhound thing we did just earlier, and we know those sites aren't credible this era
  17. for me it's not like worried/confused like very happy we're getting 2 tracks just maybe it would be better to have one this week and another when she drops the preorder to spread out the impact, but I think they want the preorder to really make music news Did anyone see perfume genius was sorting indie musicians into harry potter houses and they gave Lana "Slytherin but in a really dope way" and FJM "public slytherin private hufflepuff" lolol
  18. I agree, I dont really want it to be change, but you never know with Lana I don't think "Terrance Loves You" is really like a good promo singly (although a good song!)
  19. It could also be summer bummer and change! (would rather have yosemite tbh). I always got the vibe cherry was something she would tease but not put out cause it doesn't really create much hype anymore we basically know the whole song
  20. I bet they delayed the pre-order to concentrate the hype/news closer to the album release. A lot of the stuff they planned was for May and they had to switch their plan last minute
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