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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. watching homecoming i can't help but just think about how lazy lana is in comparison
  2. people wouldn't be complaining about this if she didn't tease NFR and then forget about her for a year
  3. compared to the hope cover it def is. that was the ugliest cover she's had yet
  4. is there something im not getting with the redacteds?
  5. if it was a collab the all access thing would have said (ft. Sublime) though... right?
  6. "presumably [NFR] won't include this Sublime cover" stereogum knows nothing
  7. honestly, if this was an original song it would just be: doin time doin time but you're still mine just doing time oooooohhhh ahhh yeah, it's a cover but we get a little bit of born to die lana in there and it feels fresh to me because i dont know the original. So definitely excited. And, I could see this being popular on radio, even though its a cover
  8. This is really an amazing song. This sounds recently recorded? Was she planning to release it?
  9. the awkward dancing really kills these shows for me. Either dance well or dont dance
  10. to the bitchez complaining about her outfit NEED I REMIND YOU WHAT WE'VE GOTTEN IN THE PAST https://www.google.com/search?q=lana+del+rey+striped+dress&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=a1QGxU6e0tfw2M%253A%252CKu_whReiiOhEIM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kR-6Ss2XSh-IEq90dT9fUTIsFi10g&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiY_dqyrZfhAhWkhOAKHWBzDkgQ9QEwAnoECAcQCA&biw=1303&bih=592#imgrc=a1QGxU6e0tfw2M: sorry guys i have no idea how to imbed an image
  11. I think lana's more aesthetically talented but mitski is a better lyricist. But I do think they explore really similar subject matters sometimes I really hear lana influence Mitski's lyrics
  12. Mitski's on the record loving lana so I agree with you but I think she would be in. The reason I think it's unrealistic is I kinda doubt lana knows who she is
  13. This would never happen but I would love for lana to collab with mitski! I feel like mitski brings uv vibes and AMAZING lyrics
  14. I think people need to mind their own business in terms of who she is friends with. I'm not someone who thinks you shouldn't critique lana, or be frustrated with this album release--its messy. But we don't know these people at all and have no way of knowing whether they're her genuine friends. Critiquing things you know nothing about make other legitimate complaints look like just more whining. It feels really petty to me.
  15. it does seem weird to use the term "collaborate" if they're just featuring a song she wrote for an old album... that doesn't really feel like a collaboration to me
  16. Im hoping she wrote a song for it
  17. does anyone know where i can find a normal version of this song? mine is sped up and the only other ones I see are slowed down too much. Also i think it's definitely four-alarm fire.
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