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Everything posted by SissyReed

  1. SissyReed

    The Clash

    Are there any fans of The Clash? :creepna: Please don't tell me I'm the only one! The Clash were an English punk rock band that formed in 1976 as part of the original wave of British punk. Along with punk, their music incorporated elements of reggae, dub, funk, ska and rockabilly. For most of their recording career the Clash consisted of Joe Strummer (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Mick Jones (lead guitar, lead vocals), Paul Simonon (bass guitar, vocals) and Nicky "Topper" Headon (drums, percussion). The Clash's politicised lyrics, musical experimentation, and rebellious attitude had a far-reaching influence on rock, and alternative rock in particular. They became widely referred to as "The Only Band That Matters", originally a promotional slogan introduced by the group's record label, CBS. In January 2003, shortly after the death of Joe Strummer, the band—including original drummer Terry Chimes—were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In 2004, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked the Clash number 28 on their list of the 100 greatest artists of all time. Critic Sean Egan summarised what made them exceptional by writing, "They were a group whose music was, and is, special to their audience because that music insisted on addressing the conditions of poverty, petty injustice, and mundane life experienced by the people who bought their records. Moreover, although their rebel stances were often no more than posturing, from The Clash's stubborn principles came a fundamental change in the perception of what is possible in the music industry, from subject matter to authenticity to quality control to price ceilings." [Wikipedia] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGIFublvDes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ9r8LMU9bQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfK-WX2pa8c
  2. well this album has a lot of amazing songs... RADIO, WITHOUT YOU, OFF TO THE RACES, even VIDEO GAMES are a masterpiece but it's easy to forget about that since it used to be her most played song.maybe i don't like it now because i have listened to it like 1000+ times on repeat day after day? idk but there's one song i can't listen to anymore and it's summertime sadness, sorry not sorry
  3. i remember when i first find out about lana i didn't like her, then i caught myself singing 'video games' and started to explore her songs on yt... first ones i heard weren't from BTD, they were unreleased - heavy hitter, you can be the boss and songs from AKA etc. i loved BTD, tho with all my heart but now i can see that this album was her worst (but i still have a thing for it)
  4. i honestly thought that no year could be worse than 2014, how wrong i was...
  5. this is the best song on AKA, one of my faves... i can imagine her singing it in some bar in NYC, mourning after the lover she let go....
  6. honestly, why isn't this song more popular in lana community? das THE SHIT! the lyrics are so beautiful and sad, almost heart-breaking... especially the part "My dreams are bigger than your junky pride" ... it's such an amazing story about a woman who loves her man but can't watch his drug addiction, they are growing apart, she needs to move on because she cannot help him...
  7. THANK YOU <3 i'll add it in a while
  8. well now when i see his pic, it makes more sense to me as well, thanks!
  9. are you sure? most of the lyrics sites say it's Greg Kinnear but I may be wrong and THANK YOU :*
  10. thank you, i'll add everything tomorrow! but isn't "young, wild and free" just a phrase often used? lana uses it in almost every song and i'm pretty sure it existed before snoop dogg lol but i may be wrong
  11. done! i put Trash Magic instead of The Man I Love thanks for the info :*
  12. OH MY GOD, REALLY?! I HAD NO IDEA! IT USED TO BE MY FAVE LONG TIME AGO... thanks for the info, but idk should i delete it from the list?
  13. Hm.... Maybe I'm wrong but don't you think that Lana here: is recreating this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avme-hIBncI ????? or am i just a lou reed stan too much?
  14. TFJ is Marina's Lizzy Grant era
  15. I need CRAVE full version of "Crooked Cop" and tbh now after Paradise, Ultraviolence and Honeymoon i think that BTD is her worst album, i can't believe i was so hyped in 2012 lol
  16. maybe she's sick of being taken as a band... also "marina and the diamonds" is kinda long but i always felt special because of all that "i am marina and you are the diamonds" thing...
  17. Back in 2k11 I had this music video for "Kill Kill" in my head where Lana's taking care of her dying lover (he's sick or smth) - I'm in love with a dying man, I have done everything I can - but she decides she cannot stay with him and watch him dying... - Love you, I do, Stay here, I won't, As stars fade from your eyes - She fools him that everything's alright - Tell me about Ray and his girl, Do I know, Ray is going to meet you? - and then puts him gently to sleep. In the end of the song I can totally see her walking away at night, with her suitcase on an almost empty road, kinda like in a noir movie, maybe waiting for a ride, maybe just walking away... - One, two, Make it fun, Don't trust Anyone -
  18. I have almost every Lana's unreleased song and tbh I may like some of them more than music on her albums... I love that her unreleased songs sometimes are so raw, sometimes they're cute, sometimes they're werid and everything is kinda mysterious + brings the good old times back. I honestly couldn't choose my faves out of unreleased...
  19. I am totally in love with Marina's new haircut, she looks super cute + I'm always here for the women who decided to shorten their hair! And I am ready for new album since I'm not the biggest fan of "Froot", I don't know why...
  20. i'll add everything from "breaking my heart" tomorrow, thanks! THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 i can already see that this post has so many references i have forgotten about, i'm gonna add them later
  21. okay, I'll add "I'm on Fire" references and "Dancing in the Dark" - both Joker's and Springsteen's because sometimes artists reference to something without even knowing it lol
  22. OMG YOU MAKE ME TOTALLY BLUSH YOU TELL ME THING I FORGOT ABOUT! i love you but isn't "I'm on Fire" just a regular sentence that also happens to be Bruce's song? also - "dancing in the dark in the pale moonlight" - i always think about that Joker's quote "have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" IDK what are your thoughts? I'll add Dolly and Biggie references later!
  23. it's already there <3 as The Beatles fan, and Nietzsche's fan and... "A Streetcar Named Desire" fan I feel ashamed, thank you, tho :* about Brolin... I've added him but there are different lyrics to that on different sites... same thing with "Go Go Dancer" - there are lyrics versions with "Tupac's sweetheart" and "Jukebox's sweetheart" idk which one is right tbh...
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