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Coney Island Queen

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About Coney Island Queen

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  • Birthday September 4

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    Lana Del Rey,Amy Winehouse,Marina<Taylor Momsen,Ellie, Bruno Mars, dance, art... ♡

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  1. http://shampained.tumblr.com/post/48303799567/is-that-the-fucking-horse-plant lol
  2. L-lovely A-awesome N-nice A-adorable D-delightful E-elegant L-lyrical R-royal E-electric Y-young
  3. I think that this girl just wanted to show how you can put make-up just like Lana. Here is another video. It's awful.
  4. Haha I want to delete my post too but I can't :/ That's sucks
  5. I can’t REALLY explain to you why I love her so much unless you have ever felt like you wanted to die or that you were useless or not good enough. Because for years i have felt lost and alone in a world full of opportunities and chances, but none of them have lit the spark inside me that makes me WANT to achieve. Lana Del Rey, through her music and thought concept in general has made me realise i have a purpose in my life and that i CAN and WILL be happy. i don't need to impress other people and i don't need to be another standard figure in society. i can climb onto the back of a motorcycle and ride into the desert sun with my best friend hand in hand screaming and escaping reality. i can be wild and free and crazy and just not give a fuck and i thank Lana for making me realise that she makes my dreams seem real and true. she survived a battle with alcohol and rose out of it to become a worldwide controversial icon. she is my role model for every aspect of life. she has been lost and terrified and uncertain of existence just like me and i relate to her so much and if she can pull through all of that shit then so can i. i was sad and lonely and depressed at the start of this year and now, but then i discovered Lana and now 11 months and 108 songs later I'm happier and more certain than i have ever been in my whole life. Lana has filled the hole in my heart that nobody could ever even attempt to fill. she is an angel and has inspired me more than you could even imagine. i live for Lana and i would sacrifice everything for her she means the whole world to me and nobody has ever changed my life as much as she has. so maybe i am a little over obsessive and pathetic but i dont care because i’m happy and free and it’s all thanks to one amazing goddess; Lana Del Rey
  6. Here, you can post pictures, texts or videos about why do you love Lana so much. :love: :flawless: :hehe:
  7. Do you have pictures? Please I really need it
  8. Do you know what Lana did today? Where did she go?
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