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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. You guys it's literally release week (of the best album ever) and you're fighting about the most random stuff. This thread has been off the rails with negativity and squabbles. We have finally arrived to the moment we've all been waiting for!! Embrace happiness, it's worth it
  2. From the picture that Gigwise painted of the review session, this album is being anything but genuinely reviewed I do get what you mean though, Lana doesn't buy reviews.
  3. The one at Cloverdale told me it wouldn't be on the shelves until Friday let me know if you succeed!
  4. What a dreadful 30 pages I just read Anyways, the reviews are good but she deserves better and some of them are just so carelessly written that it's frustrating. It's fine if you don't like something but find a different career if you don't want to review thoughtfully. I still think Pitchfork is gonna pull through with a rave.
  5. I suspect that the reviewer is just dumb but we will find out soon! It wouldn't be the first time that a critic says total nonsense when reviewing Lana though...
  6. Gigwise calling out other critics for leaving the room and missing whole tracks during the listening and saying that Lana should hate critics more
  7. This is a good point, I feel like reviewers should be required to have at least 3 undistracted listens before they're qualified to review
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