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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. I thought AmericanBottom got the vinyl because someone he knew worked at a record store that already received their shipment.
  2. I am seriously going to need an internet detox once we get the album because it can't possible be healthy to refresh pages this often
  3. I predict someone will leak it March 10th in honour of the original date but we won't get anything before then.
  4. Omg so did I, I literally woke up at like 5am and checked to see if it really happened
  5. To put emphasis on us the listener and force us to consider our own thoughts in relation to the questions she's asking on this album
  6. I wanna listen to The Grants so bad tonight but I told myself I wouldn't since it's the opener
  7. Thank you so much!! Manifesting that whoever keeps posting DCooperExclusives at the very least leaks Dark City as a bday gift
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