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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. The fact that she says fuck me to death so many times in such a sad thoughtful song and makes it work is wild
  2. This is so beautiful I'm sure she does know that her artistry won't be forgotten but she's had so much hate and misunderstanding thrown her way that there must also be concern that she'll be remembered for unfair reasons, and she really cares about ensuring that her legacy ends up being what she knows it to be. The way the song ends with the choir still singing her song after she's gone is so powerful, like a mirror to her music living long past her.
  3. People have had a long history here of very rudely describing what they think of Lana's music and it's just weird to me, especially on a forum dedicated to her. I can't imagine being her and reading some of the things people feel comfortable saying here. Anyways, it's definitely your right to not like the song, I am just expressing the depth and power that I see. I don't see anything flat or redundant in this song at all.
  4. I really wish A&W was still called American Whore I'm sooo excited for that song, I love how basically everyone has claimed it LOL
  5. Everyone's entitled to their opinions but some people use really rude language to describe something that Lana clearly poured her heart into and is touching a lot of people. Those who don't like it don't have to, but I'd recommend taking more time to try and connect with the song and understand what she's saying. Lana's not looking to make a quick pop song, she's speaking to the soul and delivering a very poignant message that anyone could relate to if they open themselves up to the meaning. If you still don't like it, that's fine but to pretend that your limited effort to connect with something is the gospel truth and everybody else is overhyped and misguided is just ridiculous.
  6. I'm so grateful that Lana doesn't care about appeasing those with poor taste and instead is building such a rich catalogue of ART, this song is the most perfect thing she could have released right now, and it's pretty clear that she has some surprises waiting for us on this record. We're going for a ride.
  7. How someone could think that something as vulnerable and heavy as this song is Lana limiting herself to her comfort zone is beyond me
  8. OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got to listen and I am completely floored, it's been ten times in a row and it's so clearly an absolute masterpiece, I feel so bad for the people who aren't hearing what the rest of us are. The lyrics are truly phenomenal, some of her best ever. Once you realize the significance of the tunnel under Ocean Blvd it's just devastating, yet she still manages to weave in this warmth and catchiness throughout. This song is an obvious classic already, people will be moved by this song and still singing along in 100 years. It's as timeless as anything she's ever done, with such a deep and heavy weight to it that I'm honestly nervous for what this album is going to bring.
  9. I've never cared to have all the variants of a vinyl but this time seeing them all together I'm like...
  10. BOZ: This really deserved album trailer with The Grants But I don't know about any videos for now
  11. Not sure if anyone posted this yet but Ed's post: What can I say @honeymoon but knowing this album as I do and how once again this will be changing the game, this is gonna be fun. This album is full of brilliant musical surprises but to start this beautiful title song. Big Love."
  12. Lana has sung about God since the beginning of her career and it's never been cringe, I'm sure she'll find a way to make the pastor's inclusion tasteful and relevant to the album's story. Also I can't listen to the song until after work because I have way too many distractions to immerse myself but in 5 hours I will be down by the lake ascending and I truly can't wait!!!!!!!!! The album art is fucking STUNNNNNING wowowowoowowooowowowowowowow
  13. Is this her Wizard of Oz moment? Something about the tunnel under Ocean Blvd reminds me of the yellow brick road
  14. Okay I was about to panic but upon further thought...
  15. You said today was going to be a day of rest and look how that turned out I suspect big things for tomorrow
  16. Why do people even care if her lanadelrey account comes back? @honeymoon is iconic now
  17. Lana is beyond titles, it's the beginning of a story
  18. Even though she said she was angry I'm expecting this album to be so full of love
  19. Exactly! There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd is also a great title, but the Did You Know really elevates into something mysterious and inviting, like an urban legend as you said.
  20. The way she's literally giving us one of the most iconic and majestic album names imaginable and some people are wishing she had simplified to Ocean Blvd like some sweater in a Florida beach gift shop
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