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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. Okay I was about to panic but upon further thought...
  2. You said today was going to be a day of rest and look how that turned out I suspect big things for tomorrow
  3. Why do people even care if her lanadelrey account comes back? @honeymoon is iconic now
  4. Lana is beyond titles, it's the beginning of a story
  5. Even though she said she was angry I'm expecting this album to be so full of love
  6. Exactly! There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd is also a great title, but the Did You Know really elevates into something mysterious and inviting, like an urban legend as you said.
  7. The way she's literally giving us one of the most iconic and majestic album names imaginable and some people are wishing she had simplified to Ocean Blvd like some sweater in a Florida beach gift shop
  8. I'm so curious how the album will sound now because this title is so whimsical, like a fairy tale. It's not giving angry at all to me
  9. The title is giving the same energy as Chemtrails over the Country Club and I am simply obsessed (ps I don't mean the album will give that energy, just that both titles are mysterious and creative and unique)
  10. Omg my birthday week Wow if that's also the album title she really is iconic, we are in for a journey a ride a MYSTERY
  11. Lol we have seen absolutely nothing about how it will be used, let's wait until we actually see what the vision is before we spiral
  12. Yesterday was so wild, what will today bring?
  13. Manifesting that Lana thinks today is December 7th when she wakes up and posts everything
  14. I adore the long title and question, it's like she's inviting us into the mystery with her
  15. I'm so curious what the song will be about. The title is so intriguing and BOZ called it insanely poetic and nostalgic, I wonder if it's a metaphorical tunnel that leads into her past somehow
  16. I could cry with excitement this album is going to be so incredible
  17. Omg this would be a gorgeous title We don't, BOZ just told us to be smarter so we're trying new things
  18. You could say that same logic with the whole album though, whoever stole her stuff has access to the whole thing most likely. She was obviously nervous about leaks since she posted that video asking us not to listen, but she seems to be sticking to her plan and so far it's working out thankfully.
  19. Jack Antonoff's annual Ally Coalition talent show is December 19th in New York and Lana has performed before, maybe she's performing Rockefeller this year
  20. So the thief really was trying to sell new material I'm so glad it didn't leak
  21. We're literally getting our very first indication of the album's sound this very minute and some of you are rambling with your tragic taste about NFR in this moment? Rich grand instrumentation coming for our throats
  22. Did You Know There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd has got to be one of the most iconic song titles I've ever heard, we're in for a collapse
  23. Black Bathing Suit meets Wayamaya meets that "I want you to play with me" snippet
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