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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. If we had zero insider information about the album other than the title track and release date, would we be: A) more desperate B) less desperate C) about the same
  2. I think @Fingertips commented that Artem forgot the 1 and meant 13 not 3, and then Artem seemed to agree
  3. I trusted Artem until he switched his tune to Feb 13 Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME
  4. Both albums are releasing the same day so I'm not sure it would matter, unless they want to let Ellie's single shine since Lana is certainly going to overshadow her album lol
  5. Omg Artem's silent confirmation has once again fueled my fire @littleredpartydress we've known since the beginning
  6. I don't even know how you guys rank Lana albums tbh, it's like ranking your besties
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