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Everything posted by DCooper

  1. @Venice Peach is feeling generous on that site today omg @Fingertips I just saw your exclusive too!
  2. I was just leaving a friend's house and it's been raining for hours so I was dreading my walk home but right as I pushed play on the title track and stepped outside the rain turned to snow right in front of me and I had the most magical walk home with the song on repeat
  3. I feel like Lana is literally the dream client for a manager. She's an icon who constantly creates incredible music, and he has to do almost nothing except once in a while mention how amazing she is while knowing that she will forever be relevant and bringing in the money.
  4. It's fascinating how often the same jokes are repeated on here
  5. Some of the comments on ATRL are so embarrassing, it's a good thing I don't have an account there because if I did I would not have nice things to say
  6. This is a really good point! A lot of people dismiss A&W as a trashy fast food chain and even if that's true, there's still a lot of history to it's story that most people don't know about, like it being the oldest in America. It's like everyone's story is distilled down to the headlines and the details of our lives are often ignored, just like Lana's story has been disregarded by so many people and she's seen as an American Whore. #reachingforametaphor
  7. Trueeee lololol Okay well then it's gotta be Venice Bitch Ending the album of the century with a sample from the song of the century, her mind
  8. A Venice Bitch sample is my dream come true Why don't we think it's from Born To Die though, isn't Rick only involved in some songs? I still think it could be Video Games
  9. True but knowing that we have American Whore to look forward to is equally thrilling
  10. I agree but also I was thinking about it in a different light and A&W is growing on me. It's such a well known American brand and Lana is so associated with an American aesthetic, especially by the general public who don't know her deeper stuff as well, so it's like she's luring people in expecting a Diet Mountain Dew kinda simple bop and then she completely decimates them with the experience of being an American Whore (American Whore is the superior title tough )
  11. American Whore this Friday the 13th really would change the course of the whole year
  12. It's funny that for the general public this era is non-existent aside from the title track, but for us it's a completely wild and unhinged mystery revealing itself each day
  13. I think peppers are delicious BUT if the song is called Peppers, I don't think she's referring to the food. I'm picturing a location like a bar or something called Peppers
  14. What I love most about the title is how random and out there it is, like Lana really is going for whatever she wants on this album and she doesn't give a shit what people think about it
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