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Ultra Violet

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Everything posted by Ultra Violet

  1. I think it was literally coquette girlbloggers fantisizing about Lana becoming even more legendary or some shit.
  2. Oops i also added, maybe i got it wrong, and so did others in the comments. Saying like "yeah, it was suicide "
  3. The comments suggested otherwise, like saying it was suicide, so idk. Mayne the OP meant the character but others took it wrong, including me?
  4. Ive literally seen someone in the coquette community say "Lana Del Rey died after Ultraviolence", to which i responded with "no she retired after Honeymoon", which i know is also problematic, to joke about her work not existing after my preferred eras. But resorting to imagine Lana died? Like that is the only way you can cope with her no longer being perfect for your aesthetic? Even as a joke, it shows whats going on in peoples minds.
  5. I promise ill read your essay later, but i want to say that when i said theres no way the 7/6 year olds of 2014 would know much about the sadgirl tumblr era, i meant specifically the ones who have warped it into coquette and never bothered to look further into Lana as an artist!
  6. Yeah, its pretty clear that they werent online when Lana got big (hopefully 7 and 6 year olds werent on tumblr! ), so what they think she is/was is based on an internet archeological finds of how Lana was already slightly distorted online in the 2010s, and now its made even worse Its alright, your blog is always there to vent to Pls know im joking, ily
  7. Maybe this is their interpretation based on what they can find from the tumblr sadgirl era. I think Mina Le mightve explained it in her Female Manipulator video, but its kinda like first they are obsessed with a past era (even tho the past is now getting more and more recent), then they try to make it their own (The tumblr softgrunge aesthetic did the same thing with 90s fashion and music). I heard in Minas video that some people might do it for satire, like making a joke about themselves to cope, but thats definitely not obvious to some of the younger girls like 13 year olds.
  8. Oookay, ill delete what i wrote since i misunderstood what you said
  9. Same, i dabbled in the lolita crowd of tumblr in 2014, and i might not have gone there if it wasnt for Lana. But there is definitely a difference with the coquette thing tho.
  10. There is a very clear distinction between liking BTD and UV the most and pretending Lana from 2015 onwards (and especially now) doesnt exist because she no longer fits the aesthetic. I agree with what else you said (sorry i copied that back in so you know i considered your whole comment), but i dont think anyone is saying what i bolded!
  11. Its sooo hard to avoid that community on tumblr now. I reblog/like anything Lana and ill start getting those blogs as "recommended" for weeks. The girblogger thing is tied in very closely with coquette too, so thats another thing i cant get away from. I think they are taking the parts of Lana that people used to take out of context early in her career (music critics, for example) so i dont think of them as fellow lana fans, but rather young girls who are using bits and pieces of Lanas art (when she was skinny, and only then) and distorting it x10. Its kinda like when Lana was used on Lolita blogs in 2014/2015, but now theyve added more to it and made it even worse. I personally cant imagine appropriating an artist so much just to fit an aesthetic, and a toxic one at that. So i hope theyll grow out of it. I think its gotten worse because of tik tok and peoples expectations on how they should live an aesthetic, not just have some aesthetic in your life. I love Mina Le's videos tho.
  12. Weird as fuck but im also living for it
  13. Ultra Violet


    Cool, thanks! Reddit has come up frequently when ive searched so to me it definitely seems most active there. I might take it upon myself to update the fandom wiki here and there.
  14. I saw it first thing this morning and wish i could unsee/unhear it.
  15. Ultra Violet


    So the fandom wiki for Grimes barely has any information about anything. On the otherhand, the Lana fandom wiki is so good bc people are SO quick to update it. Do you all get your Grimes information by just remembering? Or is there a better site for the info somewhere? organised or unorganised in threads like this site?
  16. Ultra Violet


    That song is a mood for EVERYTHING i swear
  17. Here we go... its a lot Personal faves:
  18. Ultra Violet


    I mean yeah, the way i just found that he did Transparency part II and IV as well. Flicking through his more recent releases, hes been channelling more chaotic Grimes energy than Grimes herself these days!
  19. Ultra Violet


    I havent heard d'Eon's side of Darkbloom since 2014 because i forgot they existed Transparency was such a vibe to me then. This feels like a fever dream.
  20. Ultra Violet


    Reading this really hits because (incoming vent no1 cares about) i discovered Grimes when i was getting super into space and aliens and starting to look forward into the future more, and her music went along with that too. So if you had said to me back then that in 9 years Grimes would be "impulsive and like she does things for this weird space aesthetic utopian value" id be like "yeah?? Then shes still the Grimes i know ", yet... she isnt and youre right, the heart is certainly lost, and she seems to have a different idea of what quality is now. I mean tbh, her music and imagery HAS gotten higher in quality (marketability) but its lacking in authenticity.
  21. I am STILL not over 1121 - John Cunningham Demo
  22. Ultra Violet

    Demi Lovato

    Whyd i only just discover this album? Every song is amazing! This is the first release from demi ive cared about since 2009 ngl
  23. Her debut Doomed is out! "Doomed’ feels like a negative word, but for me it actually has a very strong positive meaning behind it. It represents both sides of me, light and dark, heaven and hell, the duality I think that we offer as people." "I keep saying that every song feels like a different mood. I think as people we wake up in one mood and go to bed in another. So each track feels like a different time of the day for me, and I think it really offers every influence that I draw from." Jesse Rutherford (The Neighbourhood) features on So Bad and Pussycat, and I believe the album is co-produced by him and Michael Harris. Ive been looking forward to this album the most out of anything else this year, and it's definitely surprised me! I think my favourites are Modern Love, Lipstick, and Trippin. They have the most interesting vocals & energy and i think these songs take her in a direction i wouldnt have been able to guess, but they feel to perfect.
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