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Everything posted by greymillenium

  1. Stayed up and watched Exorcismus. I wasn't that good.
  2. you start looking for a sugar daddy to fund your personal and professional endeavors.
  3. I miss the blippy noises from the NA demo
  4. Video Games > the remainder of BTD > Zombie/Stiffney Spears (production, melody, and the chord progressions, lyrics, the reason for Lana's relevance to the general public, mental resilience)
  5. I think Raise Me Up is about Lana going to the South and meeting her lover's family/mother and going to a haunted house and maybe doing a seance? She isn't the first girl to be brought home there so she doesn't have to censor herself. The second verse about vodoo could just be about her experiencing the certain charm that the South countryside has, especially being in the middle of nowhere.
  6. Jessica Lange singing in her red dress!
  7. My first exposure to Lana was when Pitchfork wrote up Video Games. I actually watched the music video for the first time with my ex-lover on his sofa in his living room. I was blown away by the beauty of her voice and how much she looked like Brigitte Bardot in some scenes . The bass and the drums in the production really stood out to me. He was unfazed by Lana, but I was in awe. When the video was over all I could say was, "She sings like Marilyn Monroe, but better." My ex said that Marilyn wasn't that good of a singer in the first place. x_x VG was stuck in my head the entire week! I would always go back to it and thought how perfectly the images and lyrics captured a time in my life when I was naively content with everything. I started to obsess over her voice and how resonant and warm her tone was and the hints of darkness in her voice. Every since then I had a strong suspicion that Lana and I had similar philosphies on life and the more she opens up about herself and her performances like the debut of Born to Die in Paris to the Ride music video the more I am convinced that I have found my soul-artist and no-one is going to take that away.
  8. I realize that Mordor is the sticks and book the next cruise to the Undying Lands with the rest of the sexy elves.
  9. Sister Jude had her red negligee on that night! and I am so ready for Evan Peters' ass next episode!
  10. The statement that stands out to me the most is where she mentioned that she and David didn't always argree on the vocals for the album. She wanted to be a bit more experimental with the vocals.
  11. no. I know who you are talking about though. I'm ddrdashing over there. who are you? There have to be other philosophers that talk about dark fantasies, I just don't know any of them. And NYC has always been a hotbed for psychoanlytic practice.
  12. I can't at Lana taking me to church on a Sunday!
  13. and I guess she references Kanye when she talks about her Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasies. or is it Jung?
  14. I'm here for the new version of Yayo. Only beccause it is flawless song. We'll see which version I'll like more. . .
  15. Lana recommeds The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel. Source (and two other book recommendations)
  16. 1:30 snippets. Listen if you want http://soundcloud.com/sebastiaomota/sets/lana-del-rey-paradise-130/
  17. I don't know if anyone else mentioned it before, but a snippet to a demo? versio of SK was leaked during the Holocaust.
  18. getting drunk downtown and interpretive dancing/twerking it to Lolita and Serial Killer (and various songs) in the car with friends. We all moan - extra loud and erotic when the climax part comes in SK :creepy: We then proceed to have moaning contests
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