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Everything posted by greymillenium

  1. It has taken months for me to get into Body Electric. I didn't start to appreciate the live version until this past week. The bridge is great. I think the studio version is going to slay my soul. From the snippets I envision Lana having a picnic at psycho-carnival
  2. yeah, I'm glad when they finally let her die. Cordelia has gone through everything.
  3. Both of these shows are sitting on my hardrive, waiting to be watched! but Buffy > Angel if I had to choose!
  4. tell us how you really feel. lol
  5. y'all doing too much with these conspiracies. This is libel. So what If he decided to mentor Lana in music so what? I can't but smh and pray for this man's career as an educator being run through the mud and being in question as we try to piece together these abstractions that Lana works with. Her mind is like a diamond. A great teacher should be able to recognize the strengths of their students and hopefully encourage growth as a whole person. He is clearly able to make a connection with his students as reflected by his popularity grades. Who knows what would have happened if he had never shown Lizzy classic hip-hop?
  6. Well lanaexposed said s?he had parts of Rock Me Stable and not the whole thing.
  7. greymillenium

    USA Tour?

    I will drive to ATL for LANA! or Raleigh or Chapel Hill or Charlotte or Richmond (where she won that songwriter contest.)
  8. That's how marketing and branding works with major labels with the marketing and business models featured around the artist as a product. In theory, the more unified the package around a product is, the easier it is to estalish a "brand". Lana's brand is doing great by the way, with H&M and Jaguar endorsements. Musicians get asked about the "sound" of their albums all the time. Producers mean a whole lot too, think of Ride with Rick Rubin (who is an industry big-wig). Lana also has stated that marketing was one of the reasons why she pulled the LDRakaLG album. . .because 5 Points wasn't going to market the album. But also have my own conspiracies about Lana and her recording contracts. I also think that you hit the nail on the head when it comes to the challenges in the creative process for an album. Should artists be self-reductive and go into their backlog for material? Or should they keep on creating new material? Should an album's sound be diverse or cohesive? If think it is sonically harder for artists when they decide to put out an general/diverse albums because then their team would have to be well-educated and well-versed in so many different styles. And when you specialize in a sound I think it's easier because then the artist can trailblaze in a niche. Both approaches have made great albums for various artists. I would say the AKA album is more diverse and BTD is more unified in sound. I am actually confused about BTD because VG was the song that catapulted Lana in the spotlight, but VG is pretty unique on the album.
  9. So I was perched in the tinyleak chat. I had a lot of fun! gah! the traders were discussing what songs to leak like: Roses, Making Out, I'm Fucked, Midnight Dancer Girlfriend, and another song with a title like My Best Day (can't really remember for sure) Another thing of interest was that Lana has another shelved album called Rock Me Stable and songs on the album are being traded around among the community. One trader was really pissed because he had recently gotten a hold of unreleased songs but they were all leaked during the Holocaust. I told him that he had gotten everything only to lose everything. So now he knows what true freedom is.
  10. So can we talk about this 'other woman' reference in the Ride soliloquy?
  11. ok so Halcycon, I'm glad that her sound didn't completely change there's still songs and bits of songs that remind me of her 1st LP. with the album as a whole. . . Halcyon I get a sense of heartbreak and unrequited feelings. which makes sense because it is a tragic tale. It's a great album, compelling enough to draw me from my constant Lana listening. I'm nursing heartbreak too so this album is good for that. She's kind delving into Joanne Newsom territory with her vocals and the harps. stand-out tracks: My Blood Hanging On (the original is great too with male vocals!) Figure 8 Only You Atlantis Dead in the Water My least favorite is JOY. While I like her R&B vocals in the verses, the chorus is too underwhelming for me in terms of the contrast and the lyricism.
  12. One day I was studied by an entymologist who decided to take me home in a recycled jelly jar.
  13. I wish I could read it all! thanks for sharing!
  14. who are the altos in Glee that could sing the verses? I stopped watching halfway in the 2nd season.
  15. Halcyon leaked and I am loving the songs. She's able to still have an emotional vocal over the electro-production. and I love the Greek mythology references for this era.
  16. yeah, the refrain with her belting is amazing. I'm glad she chose to perform that way because I was unsure how she was going to interpret that part of the track because in the studio version she's doing this intersting staggered harmony. . .type deal. She's been showing vocal growth or maybe just showing that she is is getting more comfortable with performing during this whole Paradise Edition era.
  17. if she was any type of substance abuser or addict than she definitely was at risk for an overdose
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