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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. insectica (2004 version) - crystal castles
  2. Mileena


    lol i understand! file sharing never works for me so no worries :3
  3. 8.5/10 just found this album lying around, can't believe i forgot about it!
  4. she's just too perf for me to handle :airplease:
  5. Mileena


    am i the only person who finds it so difficult to watch the last couple of episodes? it's because i know that the show ends afterwards...idk it's just really hard to.
  6. Mileena

    White Ring

    lets not go too far rach, you know how socially awkward i am. i'd probably do a daria and be like
  7. thanks for this topic, i love her little nicknames.
  8. Mileena


    oh thank you! i'd love that. you can upload it whenever you like, no rush(:
  9. Mileena


    i don't believe i have! i'm always lurking for demos though!
  10. Mileena


    i really dig her, i grew up hearing her music a lot, so i suppose that that would be a part of it.
  11. Mileena

    White Ring

    https://www.facebook.com/trailerparkheaven/posts/413858092027482?notif_t=like he liked my post look omg
  12. Mileena


    I love her so much, she has the voice of an angel, and she shares her birthday with my mum
  13. so glad she's still slaying those other cunts.
  14. Mileena


    idk, i'm still not so sure. buttt it would be good if her and jane dated
  15. stan - eminem i don't even like eminem that much, but i like that song a lot.
  16. you'd better not get rid of creepna. that's my trademark smiley
  17. Mileena


    yeah same, to me tom just spoilt stuff and he didn't even have much of a personality...he was just...'there'. but aw i think they'd be amaaazing together. and idk, i like the idea but the whole point of the show was daria in highschool, so if it was in college, it'd be the same thing just in a different setting.
  18. i may as well give up. i'm on a fucking highschooler's budget
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