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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. Mileena


    i just love dariaxjane as a pairing. so much better than dariaxtrent or dariaxtom ew. i actually can't stand tom.
  2. you & me - lana del god so underrated tbh
  3. Mileena


  4. i'm guessing you love them both too (or all 3 of them?)? dope. we shall get along.
  5. so many god, that's the main reason i love her. but here's a short list: born to die - i really understand exactly how she feels when she says that she's so terrified of losing everybody she loves. i'm like that all the time and i get really emotional and weird over it when i'm by myself. dark paradise - i don't mean in a love way obviously but my great grandma had died just over a month ago and the song just reminds me a lot of her. she's such an inspiration and role model for me. i swear she was a living angel. radio - i used to get bullied a lot when i was younger but now i have a much better life than all of those people and i don't give a fuck what people think anymore. teenage wasteland (such a better title soz) - uh this is weird but it reminds me of daria and jane, just replace the boy parts with girl obviously. and 'cause i love daria and jane it makes sense in my little head ok. pawn shop blues - 'well i didn't know it would come to this, but that's what happens when you're on your own and you're alright with letting nice things go', that line describes me so much. i've had to let go of so many people all the way throughout my life and yeah. find my own way - this is probably one of the major ones. 'don't you try to tell me how to be, that ain't up to anybody else but me', that line is me all over. i don't think i need to elaborate any further, the lyrics are self-explanatory. junky pride - well, i don't know anyone who's a druggy necessarily but the song definitely describes the way i feel about someone i know. tbh, this is why i adore lana del rey so much.
  6. well, i purchased a box set from a dodgy store online, it's fake but the episodes are all HQ and everything, just dodgy packaging. you can watch it online here (i believe it has the original music as well): www.tubeplus.me and search daria. but if you're planning on buying the box set at all, the original music won't be in it. the only episode it really effects is 'road worrier' in my honest opinion, other than that, you probably won't notice it.
  7. damn right u do. u can have my fake daria box set
  8. empathy - crystal castles but i'm listening to it backwards 'cause i wanna hear da voice of satan
  9. in a clumsy way, i was trying to say that people should shut up about her looks because her primary job is as a musician. is that a better definition?
  10. B&B has got to be one of the funniest shows of all time.
  11. uh then why are we even having this conversation? i said that she's signed to next modeling or whatever it's called.
  12. Mileena

    In My Pants

    knights in my pants
  13. yes. it doesn't matter if she was signed with next models, her main job is a musician. she's marketed as a musician, that's where most of her profits come from - she's a musician.
  14. Mileena


    "Why don't you go find a quiet corner somewhere and practice being an individual?" oh daria.
  15. not really. she's primarily a musician.
  16. i think her eyes can look weird from bags though a lot of the time. it happens. but she should do whatever makes her happy, surely? at least she's not doing meth or anything like that, that shit really fucks your face up. when i'm older i'd like to have surgery done, people say 'oh you don't need it' but tbh, if you feel as if you need to alter your face, i don't see what's so bad about it. because she's a musician, she's not a model so i don't even pay any attention to her face half the time. but perhaps i'm just from a different mindset. wow i thought i was the only fan like this! i'm a hardcore fan of her, my walls are covered in pictures of her, i have a huge collection, yet i still don't care about her relationships. until i see enough sufficient evidence that she's older than what she says (i.e: id) i'm saying she's 26. thank fucking god i'm not the only fan who doesn't care about trivial matters!
  17. i'd love a re-release, it'd be interesting, and if it's crap, we've always got the original album. btw, why is everyone saying that 'younger fans won't appreciate it'? i'm one of the younger fans on this forum and i had lots of AKA songs before born to die was even released. there's lots of 'casual fans' but it doesn't mean they're young.
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