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Everything posted by Mileena

  1. here's my unpopular opinion: i don't care how she looks, sure she has her bad days, but so do i. and even on my good days, lana still looks better than me on her bad days. when people say she looks 'old' i just facepalm so hard, how old is old? she's often tired, tiredness doesn't look good on anyone. she's a musician at the end of the day.
  2. why not? just because she's famous doesn't mean she's exempt from having an opinion on other musicians. i can't stand gaga (or most mainstream musicians for that matter) and i think that lana still does dislike her. i can't blame her though.
  3. ok botox is for wrinkles. and tbh she's been out for pretty much every day in the past year or so, it does make people older because you obviously look more fatigued and tired. i'm always tired and i look a good few years older and i'm definitely not old.
  4. Mileena

    White Ring

    OMG. bryan accepted my friend request!
  5. Mileena

    One Direction

    no idea, i'm not even a fan but yeah they're pretty yummy together ;')
  6. Mileena

    One Direction

    do feel free to post more nial and zayn pictures. my new guilty pleasure
  7. Mileena

    One Direction

    why am i enjoying seeing those nial and zayn pictures? oh man
  8. Mileena

    White Ring

    i have officially reached hardcore stalker level i didn't even know they had big fans tho rach. and i totally agree with you, i've been lurking around on the databases and it seems that the BETTM songs aren't even properly registered. i'm still digging around though, so idk what else i'll find.
  9. Mileena

    One Direction

    the fans kill it for me but zayn's pretty yummy
  10. Mileena

    White Ring

    HOLY FUCK LOOK WHAT I FOUND https://www.facebook.com/bryan.kurkimilis https://www.facebook.com/kendra.malia.9
  11. Mileena

    White Ring

    i love quoting WR lyrics on FB, it scares the fuck out of people, considering the fact they all love 1D and crap my mum quite likes BETMM, she said it has a lot of atmosphere. apart from you, i've never met another white ring fan which is a shame, but then again, more for me i'm trying to find some demos and crap, if i find anything i'll obviously post.
  12. Mileena

    White Ring

    in a way, it's good that there's not much physical stuff though, i wouldn't want just 'anyone' listening to WR, they're so unique and i think that their music should be preserved. but luckily they haven't stopped making music, they're actually doing some live DJ sets at the moment so hopefully they'll be creating some new music soon. i totally agree with you, there's not much WH that i'm into, like you said, a lot of it is bland and repetitive using garageband samples (i can make that crap and i'm by no means talented). their music is so unique and it's chilling, they don't have to scream and pretend to be death metal to creep people out either which is something i adore. it's subtle, but it really stands out. dagger II is probably my favourite right now, shame it's not on vinyl.
  13. Mileena

    White Ring

    no worries! i'm super intrigued too, they seem like nice philosophical people actually. they're really interesting and the fact that there's not much on the 'net about them makes them even more interesting. i'm most likely over-analysing here but perhaps it's also spelt as 'whyte' because on their myspace under influences there's religion, and the big question in religion is always 'why?' - if that even makes any sense. or alternatively, perhaps 'whyte ring' was their original name in 2008 (when the accounts were created because on FB you can't change your URL) but then by 2010 or whatever it was changed to 'white'.
  14. Mileena

    White Ring

    http://www.griph.net/tag/white-ring/ roses video right there, and that's the movie lolita. it's a shortened version of the song, as you can tell.
  15. Mileena

    White Ring

    http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/kendra%20malia she's so damn hot. http://www.myspace.com/can_draw here's some more info about kendra. Details Status: Divorced Hometown: e m e r a l d C i t y Body type: Athletic Ethnicity: Latino / Hispanic Religion: Agnostic Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Education: High school Occupation: ocdeeznutz Schools Education Opportunity Center Of Manhattan Of Bmcc New York, NY Graduated: N/A Degree: None 2005 to 2006 Massachusetts College Of Art Boston, MA Graduated: N/A Degree: None 2001 to 2002 Shoreline Community College Seattle, WA Graduated: N/A Degree: None 2001 to 2004 Seattle Community College-Central Campus Seattle, WA Graduated: N/A Degree: High School Diploma Major: highschool Clubs: freegans Greek: Psi Pi Psi 1999-2001
  16. Mileena

    White Ring

    http://kingdude.bandcamp.com/track/slaves-feat-kendra-of-white-ring another song with 'king dude' https://www.facebook.com/whytering?fref=ts - notice how it's often spelt as 'whyte ring'? @babydog666 - kendra's twitter @puppyGANG - bryan's twitter when i emailed crystal castles it was the most awkwardest thing ever. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150265839422361&set=pb.52614102360.-2207520000.1358616817&type=3&theater 'debut LP out jan 2012' uh still waiting
  17. Mileena

    White Ring

    on that website link i put, if you go to the store the betm vinyl is about £11(: and sure thing, every time i find something else out, i'll post here. i'll be the residential white ring stalker :3 ps: their email is whytering@gmail.com
  18. i'm sure it'll turn up eventually, i thought the same about a couple of other records, i'll keep my eye out, thanks!
  19. right ok, i'm looking for the ride 7". that's the only god damn vinyl i need for my collection, apart from ebay, does anyone know where i can get it?
  20. Mileena

    White Ring

    my mum got me black earth that made me on vinyl as a surprise and it sounds super amazing on vinyl. it sounds about 100x darker on vinyl than it does in a digitally compressed format. if you've never heard them before i really recommend buying the album on vinyl, it's extremely atmospheric and it's hard to describe because it's so unique. you can find out more about the band here http://rocketgirl.co.uk/label/artist/white_ring i'm trying to get some more info on them, i found their email as well.
  21. Mileena


    i agree, i view them both as 'introductory episodes', they set the scene and the characters out.
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