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Groupie Lover

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Everything posted by Groupie Lover

  1. @Elle preparing herself to give warning points for spamming:
  2. fuck i forgot her cheek fillers too hahaha she needs to stop before she deforms her face
  3. the lip fillers, she has a new shape of lips i think
  4. not sure maybe she made it for herself or just to see our reviews idk
  5. LFL is Lana's best album , people who say Ultraviolence is her best record are just depressed gay twinks that dream about drugs and relationships they will never have
  6. because we are in the LUST FOR LIFE ERA , ultraviolence has been sleeping since 2014
  7. ok wig @ Arcadia but the ss snippet is the same eclipse posted and the BL Demo sounds looped ? i'm not trying to be salty but record in better quality my god
  8. Groupie Lover


    i used to listen to pure heroine every day from 2014-2015, it got boring after probably more than 1k listens per song, 1 month ago i thought melodrama overpassed her debut but now that i look back at it, its not true, melodrama can't even reach the point that pure heroine reached in recognition, lyrics, sales and message.
  9. this is it ,the first stan i've seen that is willing to not attend to a concert because Del Rey can't change her own setlist follow @myblackbeaches on instagram i got deleted thank you
  10. I dont know if this is true, but she lost her childish voice, she can´t even hit high notes properly
  11. only reason i'm excited is beacuse there is a probability that she would make a VOCAL remaster. like with her 2017 voice
  12. It's sad, I live in Peru and most people see your country with grief, I always see empty supermarkets , fuc if you are from Venezuela u must talk Spanish lol, bueno siempre veo que los supermercados están vacíos, la gente se pudre de hambre y hay constantes protestas y demasiada delincuencia, es muy triste la realidad que se vive, dios te proteja
  13. Oh wow that forum or boards is so different to what Lanaboards is lmao I think you just opened a vortex between heaven and hell
  14. This demo will never leak, Lana said that she deleted the files completely and that she started to make Get Free from scratch after that
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