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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. So many people diss the song all the time and I just sit here like....okay then only I like it
  2. The NPR performance of Carmen is flawless though, we don't need more Promo slots for that song. If you didn't hear it yet it's time to get educated, this is the Carmen live version to listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmW16r5dsQ
  3. That's great! Bel Air/Yayo/Sad Girl/Lucky Ones/This is what makes us girls/Pretty When You Cry, one of you might happen! Wouldn't it be awesome
  4. What makes you think she will perform more than 1 song? Don't people usually sing just 1?
  5. HBTB or TLY? One is the lead, while the other is her fave so I guess one of those
  6. Is this a remix? I remember listening to it before but I don't remember it like this, it's kinda cool with all the effects tbh
  7. OMG so exciting! Managed to get it working too
  8. We should mass-tweet to her about LIB to show her that we are interested in it. Or just flood her IG posts with messages about it, so she doesn't forget Tweeting right now...
  9. Wait are you implying that "On Our Way" is about her manager
  10. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Freak Vs Wait For Life
  11. I just hope we don't have to wait another 15 months to hear LIB in full Other than that, I'm sure it will be something beautiful and new and different....Lana always delivers musically.
  12. So you hate Cola and DP, yet you like Guns and Roses?
  13. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    TLY is nice and all but UV is mah jam. It's a timeless masterpiece. I'll probably still cry to it when I'm 60 Ultraviolence Vs Honeymoon
  14. Paradise remains her best work to date. I love Honeymoon, great album. I wish it had more sad songs on it though.
  15. This is so long but doesn't actually reveal that much about her.
  16. Creyk


    What is this room 93 many of you keep talking about isnt badlands her debut I looked at her live performances because of this comment and wow she can perform. I was surprised how good she sounds live like in this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEVZMph-s94
  17. OMG Imagine if the album was titled Swan Song and we got the title in months advance....fans would have lost their shit with the OH NO SHE'S RETIRING BUT FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!! rumors
  18. What kind of auditions is she referring to? AFAIK she didn't try to be an actress or a broadway singer, then where did she audiition, for what?
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