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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I wouldn't be surprised if we got it 2 weeks after album release this time as well lol
  2. The: But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good, Please lord, don't let me be misunderstood part of DLMBM sounds so fucking amazing :kris: Some of you are too hard on the song, I for one totally love it
  3. You're right. I kinda miss the "glamour and epicness" from her work, I think it was an important element which sets a certain part of her discography apart and makes it that much more special. HM obviously doesn't have that but I'm not gonna complain about that, it's just good in a different way
  4. Do you think we can expect her to sing 3 songs? (I don't think she would do more than that) HBTB obviously, and 2 I don't know I'd die if we heard HM Bridge live without fan interruptions though
  5. Lurking this site all the time really pays off lately (when we are not getting scat gifs)
  6. BTW how do you record what is being played on your PC? is it easy? If more of us knew we could help each other in situations like this more effectively
  7. OMG you were right I could just scroll the play back Listening to the interview again
  8. Be ready to snatch one of the first 120 wrist band thingies I suggest you lurk this site 24/7 from now on until you get your chance tbh
  9. Interesting that they are playing Salvatore on Radio and not MTWBT (which is the next single, or no?) Anyway I'm not complaining, just wondering why this song specificlally.
  10. On Salvatore: It has an old world italian feel, it's a weirder song but I like the chorus. It's filmyc (?). Singing OUAD was "cool" and she mentions singing Big Eyes. Does she want to make more soundtracks? She replies she loves movies and it's always exciting to go down to the set and talk to the writers. She used to act in little art school films in high school but nothing since then.
  11. Aw, she was ready to talk about Once Upon a Dream but the interviewer didn't press the subject What a shame, I would have loved to read her thoughts on the song and the movie.
  12. We have to remember this in the coming weeks sistren
  13. Even if the reddit guy wanted to leak the album, could he? I know Vinyl's can be ripped somehow, but I personally wouldn't know how to go about it if I had the album super early....I would sit here begging all of you to explain it to me Congrats! Have fun and tell us how it went! And if you don't have a meltdown over seeing god, ask about Life is beautiful maybe?
  14. Creyk

    Swan Song

    So exposing someone? Yeah that could be it, good idea!
  15. My ranking with a few thoughts: Freak - Instant Favorite. Love it. The Chorus was stuck in my head for a long time. Swan Song - I find myself wanting to replay this again and again...I love the chorus and the production, beautiful song. Art Deco - I love the vocal delivery, can't wait to hear it in HQ The Blackest Day - Perfect song, I love how hard-hitting it is and the lyrics are really good. Salvatore - Beautiful song and it's nice that she utilizes the "ooooh" sounds she likes to put at the end of live performances Religion - The "you're my religion, the way I'm living" line is so catchy and nice to listen to, and when she sings allelujah it also sounds great. High By The Beach - Solid song, I still like it God Knows I Tried - AKA music to cut yourself to. I love that she delivered a really sad depressing song, most of the songs are not sad enough on this album. Music To Watch Boys To - We hyped this so much....it's a nice song, but far from being the strongest on the album. Still really good though, I love the flute. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - I think this will be a lot better once we get it in HQ. I like Lana's vocal delivery. Honeymoon - The song is worth listening to because of the bridge, but it takes a long time for it to get there 24 - Not really feeling this one as much as the others. I love the "and that's isn't enough to love like you love and lie like you lie" line though. Terrence Loves You - Amazing Bridge and really nice to listen to. Burnt Norton - Great instrumental. Very atmospheric.
  16. Creyk

    Swan Song

    What does it mean to cut someone's legacy? How is that...even possible?
  17. Creyk

    God Knows I Tried

    Is this song about how she hates being famous? The verses only talk about that: I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name I've got nothing much to live for ever since I found my fame Then the chorus talks about how desperately she tried...but tried what? It is not clear to me. She tried to be happy? Or what?
  18. Generous queen, giving promo to all these has-beens She did it on UV too with the Black Keys
  19. The poster of that photo confessed it's fake you guys. Chill out, it will come in the next few days.
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