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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Both songs are flawless Pretty When You Cry Vs Breaking my Heart
  2. Creyk


    It's a great song. The vocal delivery in the chorus reminds me of Gaga's Paparazzi, I like how her voice goes higher
  3. I like your ideas, they seem like something a more efforting artist would do...someone who tries harder. But wouldn't it be very difficult to set up a mini waterfall at each set? It seems complicated....
  4. Creyk


    The point is that she gets money, I think
  5. Creyk


    Oh wow, I did not realize we had a Pokemon thread on here. I play the games, although I didn't touch my copy of ORAS in months. I just completed everything already, even beat hundreds of players in online battles, which is my favorite part of the games. I have a powersave so if one of you people wants a shiny or an event legend I can help you out
  6. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    But sis...Big Fat Bass is on Femme Fatale. Besides, it's my favorite song from that album so let's not.
  7. Creyk

    Britney Spears

    Wasn't Tom's Diner supposed to be released as a single? What happened?
  8. Is it just me, or is this picture completely captivating? IDK, there is just something about it....it's really nice
  9. She really liked Tropico, she wants to have her moment again
  10. Wasn't it weird was she said about UV? She was relieved to be done with the "second album" and move onto the third one. Wasn't Paradise her second album? Or should we count Paradise as part of BTD, and so UV is her second album, and Honeymoon is the third? I always thought HM was her 4th official Lana album, but apparently she views it as the third...?
  11. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl Vs Midnite Dancer Girlfriend
  12. Disgusting Do you like cats
  13. I wonder when will we get it though. She made the PWYC video herself as well but then never released it.
  14. I feel the same. It's really not her fault though, if the original song is bad the end result can only be so good. I wonder if I should replay it a few more times hoping that it will grow on me or just leave it alone.
  15. I hope she doesn't change her mind again because I literally NEED to hear The Blackest Day and God Knows I Tried live
  16. This should be way better than it actually is. Oh well, it's just a cover.
  17. Creyk


    It became trendy to hate on Halsey as of late, I guess the early Lana similarities made people see her in a bad light. I notice that most people are just eager to criticize her, even though she didn't do anything really bad yet. But oh well, at least she is talked about, and that is good. Controversy can help to get your name out there and she needs that, she is still a newcomer.
  18. Creyk


    I did. I was very excited to get a new GOOD Halsey song but sadly it was pretty bad She only has 6 songs that I use, this prevents me from really liking her.
  19. At least it was solved swiftly and we didn't get our hopes up for nothing I'm content with what the HM era was, and I can't wait for Lana to bring on the next one RIP Honeymoon 2015-2015 Welcome to the anticipation and random leaks era 2015-2016 November
  20. I also find it really annoying. Like okay we get it you don't like the song I hate most of the shitty indie singers people on this forum stan for but I let them have their fun and don't diss them constantly, it's pathetic.
  21. So new song in 4 days? How sweet. It's ridiculous that we actually get more officially released songs than leaks as of late but I'll take anything at this point.
  22. Creyk

    Ellie Goulding

    Going to listen to this now...I hope i'm gonna love it, I loved Ellie's first album but the second was complete trash. Her singles didn't impress me but out of 22 songs there must be some good ones...
  23. Creyk


    Well yes of course you can have your individual interpretation of the song. Some ppl think "art" is supposed to make you think so it's good that you formed your own opinion about it. But it is funny how one can see the song as a joyful one while for others it's sad
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