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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. That's true. Maybe it's some sort of an announcement? Like, tickets for my concert go on sale in 5 days, here are the dates.... or something like that
  2. Lana Del Rey - The Blackest Day
  3. It's so annoying that the guy is the one acting offended like "do not touch my camera, do not touch my camera...." Bitch, you are filming her without her consent and they you are the one being all hurt? Go fuck yourself
  4. Because our pain is very real This song is better than anything on Honeymoon and it looks like we will never get it
  5. She is just too damn attractive. Can't blame her for being perfect, everyone wants a piece.
  6. Because it's like Anti, we talk about it but it doesn't actually exist
  7. Creyk

    Miley Cyrus

    Bad song + unconventional imagery Weird videos like that only work when the music is there and in this case it is not. The song is just plain bad. She should have made a video for Space Boots or 1 Sun instead.
  8. That idea slays She could record more songs like Noir and then go on Tv to perform them and go crazy on stage, maybe even throw up a little
  9. I want an album like Paradise, the production is so wonderful on that album, and the subject matter is also perfect. I want her to sing about addiction, honoring lost love and a glamorous lifestlye. Basically I just want her to re-hash everything she has already done, I definitely do NOT want her to try something different or new, since she already achieved perfection. If she does things differently, she can only go down from what she created already
  10. I guess this is the true end of the Honeymoon era...a 1-minute speech and that was it.
  11. She was so adorable, I can't I just want to hug her and feed her french vanilla ice cream, just the way she likes it
  12. It will be aired on the 18th That would be so cool because by the middle-point Lana's voice would start breaking and she would sound like she is about to start to cry Adorable, fragile queen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UrbXuDkzLI
  13. I would have never thought that one day my 2 ultimate faves, Lana and Gaga would be at the same event. This is beyond perfect.
  14. Creyk


    Thank you , Lucky is her best song.
  15. Creyk

    Nicki Minaj

    I like the new verse. Sounds so sophisticated.
  16. Creyk

    Troye Sivan

    I just listened to Blue Neighborhood. What a letdown. "Blue" is the only song with any sort of replay value and even that is mediocre at best. Too bad, I would have stanned / bought his album if it was actually any good.
  17. Creyk


    Can you share a link to that
  18. She should cover "Wildest Dreams" on her next tour as a clapback and then play "She's not me" by Madonna right after just to give it more of an edge.
  19. I would read all this but your Lorde avi makes me want to not bother
  20. Most songs on this album are amazing. Yayo is on another level though, it captures that dark trailer park life so perfectly, and mixes it with Lana's unique charm....I remember back when I found Lana I thought the lyrics were very strange. They are very her, seductive and dark at the same time. I love it. And that "hmmmhmmmm" sound she does at the very end of the song is just amazing when you listen with headphones.
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