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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk


    I was thinking about the lyrics, and I think the theme of the song is escapism. Could this be the theme of the album as well? Well, we can't know yet but maybe, did Ultraviolence (the song) perfectly capture the theme of the album? Anyway, here is my interpretation of the lyrics We both know that it's not fashionable to love me But you don't go cause truly there's nobody for you but me We could cruise to the blues Wilshire Boulevard if we choose Or whatever you want to do We make the rules The first verse describes the problem - Lana is not well-liked, we can assume that she is hurt by this on a deep level and causes her sadness, but she is not about to get depressed over that here. She looks for a distraction from her problems, and finds that in focusing on a relationship with this person which can only be right, since he is "the one" for her. Lana is also the only one for his boy, which reassures her insecurities, even if no other loves her, this guy will...maybe only because he has no other choice, but still... Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Say you want me too Say you want me too Dark blue Dark blue The chorus talks about getting away from her troubles by focusing on her lover and the relationship they share, she wants reassurance that he wants her because she is aware that many people don't - she wants the relationship to work. When she feels the need to question her importance to her signficant other, this question is motivated by her fear of being alone and lonliness. These feelings are within her, but under the surface. When asking the quesiton, they stem from her insecurities, hence the Dark Blue, Dark Blue lines. These feelings play on in the back of her mind and influence the way she behaves and perceives the world. We both know the history of violence that surrounds you But I'm not scared, there's nothing to lose now that I've found you We could cruise to the news Pico Boulevard in your used little bullet car if we choose Mr. Born to lose Lana sees that the guy is not perfect but he accepts him as he is, she is clearly convinced that he is good for him, and talks about the things they can do together, through the activity and enjoying each other both of them distract themselves from their problems. Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Say you want me too Say you want me too Dark blue Dark blue There are violets in your eyes There are guns that blaze around you There are roses in between my thighs and fire that surrounds you It's no wonder every man in town had neither fought nor found you Everything you do is elusive to even your honey dew Here talks about why he loves the guy and how good and true their love is. The "roses between my thighs" line refers to the intimacy they share, and the fire that surrounds you, I guess is passion, (passionate lovemaking?). Everything you do is elusive, as in Lana is in awe of her man and the things he does (to her) Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Our honeymoon Dreaming away your life Dreaming away your life Dreaming away your life I think the closing lines are very telling, and very fitting. Dreaming away your life....not focusing on what is wrong, but finding something better to do, to give your attention to, finding ways to be happy even in the face of problems. Breaking away from problems feels like going on a Honeymoon... Once I read that happiness is not about everything being perfect, but looking past the problems and finding something that is right. I get the sense that this song "Honeymoon" is about that too
  2. Creyk


    Is this about Francesco? Since it's not fashionable to lover her, it can only be about a relationship after being famous. So it's either Francesco or Barrie. There are violets in your eyes Well IDK Barrie has green eyes if I saw well in pictures and Francesco too Pico Boulevard in your used little bullet car if we choose I don't know it's always Lana who drives and isn't Barry broke can he even afford car? Mr. Born to lose This is a mystery to me
  3. I'm happy about this song's reveal because I remember back in the day people were like "huurdeduuuurrrr there will so not be a title track are you stupid?" When I brought it up. It was so obvious all along...
  4. OMG, thank you! This is totally great! Now I have to rip the audios all over again, but it will be so worth it
  5. So she continues the trend of repeating the same phrase 3 times for the chorus, like in most UV songs Good, I don't mind. Bring it Lana Also just by looking at the lyrics it seems like the bridge will be fucking brilliant, just like always
  6. Totally agree. I hope Black Beauty and PWYC will happen at one point, I think it could easily happen. I could imagine Lana suddenly saying to her guitarist: Okay, now it's you and me let's do it!! And then they just improvise the song, like how it was created also
  7. I have been thinking for like 5 minutes about what is DR when I finally realized that it's Do Right...
  8. They are nice little things for the fans and the cover of Do Right will not be on HM (there will be a different cover) I like that she includes more upbeat songs in her setlist now though, You Can Be The Boss, Off to the races, Us Against the World are more lively than any of the songs she regularly performed on her previous tour. If this is any indication of what she is into nowadays / what kind of songs she feels like singing, then maybe we can expect Honeymoon to be a more upbeat album too with faster songs. (can you even imagine? Songs in the vein of Florida Kilos/OTTR, it would be lovely )
  9. Her finishing speech was cute She had to start Off to the races again because she was "not ready" the first time the band started playing, I don't know what was up with that And at one point the band was drowning her out so she had to tell them to take down the band or something like that...I always like watching her reactions when unusual things like this happen
  10. You guys, I found a person who was front row and is uploading videos! On their youtube page they also have OTTR, Do Right, Serial Killer, Chelsea Hotel...I guess they will upload more later If you want to rip the audio I recommed using this, it's really good quality
  11. Well....I guess now it's really uncertain when we will get more info about this song....someone should ask Lana when she is down to meet the crowd at the end of the show. Of course everything is too ~ crazy ~ when she is there but I don't know what's gonna happen now...
  12. I'm surprised at how quiet the crowd was for the majority of the Brooklyn Baby performance Well, good for us
  13. I'm really impressed with her vocals in Us Against The World She aced that song
  14. I'm happy about that too. She has so many gems - Never Let Me Go, Damn You, Hollywood's Dead etc. - that she never talked about and it's nice to see her do something with these great songs
  15. We probably will since attendance is high Get ready to get your life from the 15-second Insta snippets while waiting for a good soul to upload the full version on youtube!
  16. Umm...Pretty Girls failed to hit #1 on iTunes and it's not likely that it will be #1 on the BB hot 100. Top 10 if they are lucky Just saying
  17. Probably not. And really when you think about it, the song already has pretty good production. It could end up like Yayo 2.0 where arguably the first version is better. Anyway if she does sing it live, I hope she will do that amazing trick where she holds the notes in the song for super long like she did in the Lolita performances, it would sound great. just imagine: Wish I may, wish I might, find my one true love tongiht, do you think it could be youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  18. This. I would be pretty surprised if she ended up singing these 2 even more but ditched songs like Old Money and Pretty When You Cry which are her favorite tracks apparently....the setlist can change over time though so we might get more songs later
  19. Oh my god, never in my life have I thought that I would get to hear Serial Killer live Lana you are SO good too us!!! The concert can't start soon enough
  20. Well it was an amazing decision Enough said
  21. It depends on who recorded it too, like how many fans were singing along in that certain part of the audience. I saw videos of performances where you can hear only Lana and it's very nice and then in another video of the performance you almost can't hear it. I guess it also depends on what they use to record something. What I hate is when there is a recording where there is total silence and you can hear 1 goddamn fan singing along distinctly and without stop and of course their voice sucks Like, really?
  22. She is talking about Barry, and how he is so dark/depressive all the time (ties in with Black Beauty's meaning). She says that if he is mostly doom and gloom and talks as if he can't be remedied then why doesn't he just do it - end it all and end his "suffering". Of course she is calling him out on his weakness and cowardness with the line. (you complain all the time but you are afraid to do anything to improve your situation) It's really clever songwriting
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