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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. I meant that the interview happened in the month of February, as in a couple of days ago
  2. When she says that in February, it must be this year don't you think? If it was more than 15 months away I think she would only say "It's in the works" or something like that I just want to believe
  3. Kesha confirmed that she will put out her next album in 2015 at some fashion show interview, I saw it on twitter
  4. It seems like a lot of us are Sad Girls Too bad that no one got Old Money or Ultraviolence, I was curious what the description of those songs would be
  5. WTF, why can't she use the word summertime? It obviously has something to do with Summertime Sadness and how successful it was, but what...why? Idgi but it seems so annoying to be restricted in that way...what if this prevents her from coming up with another masterpiece in the vein of Summertime Sadness?
  6. Just listened to this while looking for new music There is a pokemon ball sound in it at 1:27! That is the sound they do in the cartoon when someone sends out a pokemon to battle :thumb3: Well that was unexpected
  7. Creyk

    Kali Uchis

    I agree with Viva, she will be great to listen to in the summer, her songs have that "chill" vibe After listening to the EP a few times, Lottery, Melting and Call Me are my favorite tracks. In Sycamore Tree after the first minute she does this baby voice which reminds me of Lizzy, it's cute^^ This song doesn't really sound like music though....in a lot of it there is no instrumental and she is just talking...? Although maybe it was meant as an intro since it's only 1:52 long. I think "You're the only one" would be a better title for Lottery, it fits the mood of the song more. "Lottery" the word makes me think of a fast-paced song full of excitement and well, her music is not that It's all good though
  8. 3 more months and we will finally hear live versions of UV songs! (right? ) I'm super excited for this
  9. Still would be better than Guns and Roses on there. Maybe if Emile produced Guns and Roses he would have convinced Lana to put some more effort into the chorus and make the song listenable
  10. Creyk

    Kali Uchis

    I checked her out a few days ago when I first saw this thread I have to say, Melting really grew on me but I didn't make time to listen to all of her other songs just yet DL-ing the EP right now, she seems promising
  11. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Trash Magic [Miss America] Vs This is what makes us girls
  12. Get dem coins collector guy from Switzerland The painting must be amazing when you look at it up close in RL...artwork often looks way better when you are in the same room with it
  13. ^ She should do one of the shows of the Endless Summer tour in it. She would look so classy, like a Queen
  14. I like that she is not talking about it (although it's not like she is talking to us anywhere about anything lately) too much. We know that it is coming. We know that it will be great. She doesn't need to talk about it while it is still so far away. It's okay if she starts hyping it 6 weeks ahead of release, if she will at all. Although we will hype ourselves more than enough for sure
  15. Please tell me there are more than just these 2 (flawless, but I want more) photos
  16. Wait, what? Why do they own a boat? What is this
  17. Creyk


    Do you guys think that Living for love is a good choice for the lead single? To me it's one of the weaker songs on the album Anyway, until it up on youtube, here is the MV in case someone didn't see it yet http://vimeo.com/118853741
  18. This is so interesting. I don't imagine any pictures/colors to the music, I didn't know so many people were actually doing it
  19. Oh right, that's it I'm not completely in the know when it comes to her band members
  20. Creyk


    I really love the album, so far I love the finished version of every song, I am undecided on "Wash all over me" only. The simplicity of the acoustic version adds a lot to the song. We will get HQ version of that though, so I'm fine Iconic become such an amazing song I love Mike Tyson's part and the instrumental is a killer The final version of addicted is great too And I like that she cut the final part of Heartbreak city, It always felt out of place there
  21. I want her to get together with her drummer, is he called Byron or something? All I remember is he's crazy hot and he gave us Pretty When You Cry from which I shall be forever grateful Ben Mawson is nice too
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