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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Aww her face from 4:10 to 4:30 is so cute. Then she says some speech but I can't really hear her....she's adorable
  2. It's different, but that can be a good thing if it grabs people's attention I wonder if the song title is also a lyric though, as I don't see how that would work out...?
  3. I love Lana so much It bothers me when I read something mean about her For that reason I don't really read what others write about her outside of this forum. Lots of people don't get how great she is, and it's their hard loss
  4. The tour ends in 2 weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if she premiered the Lead single on the last date, OR maybe she doesn't do that this tour but waits like a week after it ends and then she releases it. In that case it is more likely that she would promo it. I would be very happy if we got televized performances. Her voice improved SO MUCH. She needs to show it to the world.
  5. I was thinking about it too If I met her the very first thing I would do is beg for info about when will we get the song to be honneee...
  6. Thank god! I thought I was the only one.... The way she sings is so unappealing to me. I'm okay with other stanning for her though so others, don't come for me
  7. the game boy line makes the song! along with the bridge which is fantastic If only the chorus wasn't shit Best: Old Money and Ultraviolence Worst: Guns and Roses
  8. Creyk

    You, Mister

    But the "Somehow the vision of you near makes me feel alright", and "Think that I might / Claim you as mine" lines are so romantic! It really is ideal for couples, and shows the deep feelings Lana had for the person she wrote this to. It's beautiful.
  9. Creyk

    You, Mister

    Can this be my wedding song?
  10. Miley Cyrus attended this show and a bunch of random "youtube stars" that I don't care to name I found this 1 vid which is good quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-dUaJL7xy8
  11. OMG that would be even better than an actual music video I love for her album teasers, and if we got 15-seconds snippets of each new song I could obsess endlessly (plus we would know the track titles, how cool would that be)
  12. Personally, the twirling ones are my favorite Oh and this Beauty: When someone calls Lana boring
  13. Really good descriptions! It sucks you didn't get the rose in the end. I'm intrigued, in what way did it seem that Courtney didn't feel safe? Did she act nervous or something?
  14. ^ of course. The merch salesmen are part of her crew and follow her, if the main bitch is working they have to do their part too
  15. she was super willing to meet with fans before/after the show also apparently the show was "great" and she sounded "awesome" and that's all we know no new songs were performed
  16. make sure not to strain or pull anything while reaching so hard
  17. I guess to being finished/released? Well okay maybe it's fake though....we can carry on without any info -_- love that nip tease lol
  18. I was thinking, we know that she shot a MV for a song. She shot it before the tour because she knew she wouldn't have time for it while on the road, therefore it's a sure thing that the first single/whatever (since she doesn't get airplay anyway) will be released while on tour. This also means that she will not promote it with TV performances and Radio interviews, or at least not anytime soon.
  19. Creyk

    Song vs. Song

    Wait for Life Vs You're gonna love me
  20. I don't know, I'm not very informed about her photography hystory. The guy's tagline is "Dark celebrity portraits" so it just seems fitting for Lana's style, they could work again if they like each other I guess
  21. Apparently, Patrick Hoelck shot the Endless Summer tour photos. He listened to some demos for Honeymoon. Apparently, they're close. He said there's some 80's influence songs but she isn't sure if she wants to go to that direction. source: http://www.spillitnow.com/viewtopic.php?p=4687595 IDK how to feel about this as this doesn't tell us that much, however I looked at the guy's work, and he has a really cool style that would work very well with Lana, in my opinion.
  22. THe soundtrack comes out in 9 days....I am praying that they want it to be a surprise and the song is actually on there....
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