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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk

    Lana Facts

    She is a catholic She eats Spaghetti every night with plain tomato sauce (apparently) The guy who she wrote Video Games about played World of Warcraft She LOVES vanilla ice cream and cotton candy Her birth name is Elizabeth Woolridge Grant (biggest reveal ever ) She wrote everything on BTD, except for 1 line in Diet Mountain Dew She thinks songs like DMD and Kinda Outta Luck are "just fluff" and doesn't take them very seriously She is offended when someone calls her music boring because the music is an embodiment of her, so she interprets it as calling her (as a person) boring After she created BTD her life goal was achieved and the rest of her goals in life are more personal to her She finds it important to abide by the laws and be a good citizen She used to get money by getting 100$ jobs on craigslist She is interested in technology and the future She has read a number of esoteric themed books She likes listening to audio books and driving at night She likes to take walks She is the original leaker Those come to mind right now, I hope you find them useful
  2. I agree with the commenters before. I love the Title "Requiem" it sounds like something Lana would use. The colors and the picture are gorgeous, really stunning visually. The song titles though....let's focus on how good the pictures looks, since you said that is what you really tried to do here
  3. Why no flop songs this year? That was so much fun Those banners still make me cackle
  4. I love the song rate! Last year's was so much fun. Let's do this SEXIEST SONG Push Me Down You Can Be The Boss Put Me in a Movie SADDEST SONG Pride Your Band is All the Rage Last Girl On Earth MOST ROMANTIC SONG ...I really am not sure, but let's go with Paris Yayo My Best Days MOST UNDERRATED SONG Fordham Road My Best Days Put The Radio On MOST LIVELY SONG Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight Children of the Bad Revolution Come When You Call Me America BEST MAY JAILER-ERA SONG Blizzard You Mister Try Tonight BEST AKA LIZZY GRANT SONG Kill Kill Yayo Queen Of The Gas Station BEST LYRICS Born To Die Video Games Delicious BEST PRODUCTION Young and Beautiful American Body Electric SONG BEST PERFORMED LIVE Ultraviolence Born To Die American BEST COVER (SONG/PERFORMANCE) Goodbye Kiss Chelsea Hotel No 2 The Other Woman WORST SONG Moie Joue Dynamite She's not me MOST OVERRATED SONG Cola Million Dollar Man Velvet Crowbar MOST POLARIZING SONG (SONG YOU LOVE THAT EVERYONE ELSE HATES) Lucky Ones Young and Beautiful Spender
  5. It's always so funny to read this intelligent way of arguing that sometimes happens on LB On other sites people just drag each other with curse words and shade wherever they can but here we get paragraphs like this
  6. Maybe she was just having fun, we know she loves creating music and she has a more playful side to her personality, it's just not a part of the LDR image so she doesn't show it much
  7. inb4 none of them happen and Lana just keeps eating spaghetti in her apartment for 2 more years
  8. No, if they are doing that it must be an American remix! Although that song would have been better in the summer.... Lana could be the summer chanteuse, slaying people left and right in the Summer with her mediocre remixes
  9. I wanted to say this too. She's probably into kinky stuff, but she doesn't strike me as the person who would make a big deal out of it, like, she doesn't see sex as a degrading or dirty thing. And really we shouldn't. Everybody does it. If she is into those kind of things, so what. It doesn't really matter, as far as we are concerned she is an amazing singer and we love her.
  10. This thread made me think about Burning Desire I don't like it when we can hear the breath and I usually do edit it out, but now that you mention it I never noticed it in Lana's case as something disturbing, as for example in Kesha songs
  11. At this point I'll be satisfied if we get that homemade PWYC video
  12. My young relatives do so regularly Sorry but if I'm watching them, they WILL listen to what I want to It's okay tho, I made them love a couple of songs
  13. Somebody quick leak something! Distract everyone from this mess
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if this happened. Although a bit strange, she did say that there is an UV tour in the plans for 2015 Maybe we just got the album super early because she didn't want to sit on it, but things are planned for later in time (although this is probably not true, we can hope)
  15. UV sold just fine considering the promotion it got. An album needs continual support to keep selling for a long time. Look at Beyonce's latest album, that was out of the top 200 relatively soon after the album came out, since there was nothing to keep it alive, no singles to keep the cycle going. As for the record company, they can't do much since Lana owns the rights to the songs now, so they can't even pull a SS 2.0.
  16. But did she really have a wild life, or did she make it up? I don't think she wants anyone to know about what her past was like, so she wouldn't do something like this If she did though,
  17. Creyk


    Tbh. Noir is already amazing, now if those vocals weren't recorded in potato quality....
  18. Creyk


    I wish she reworked this and Criminals Run The World into new songs. Both have insanely good lyrics and with high production could be seriously great
  19. Creyk

    I just watched the performance and tbh it wasn't that bad, Iggy did good and if someone doesn't play close attention maybe they don't even notice MO's problem. It wasn't that noticeable by the end anyway
  20. They could, since Interscope actually owns the rights for those songs XD But they are really relentless about hating Paradise for some reason...which is too bad, song already has a music video made, they could just extract it from Tropico and put it on her Vevo as a standalone piece (which should have been done with all 3 videos anyway, for free effortless promo)
  21. WTF The way she pronounces the words is horrendous, that accent The effect on her voice makes her sound like she sings out of an old radio The lyrical changes are awful This did not make me inclined to watch the show "looking to get hit hard?" Like, seriously?
  22. I agree, I wish that happened sooner or later
  23. Well I don't know if it's better, but it's definitely a great song I am surprised at how many people criticized it in this thread, I mean come on it's a standard BTD song with all the Lana trademarks on it. Just listen to this flawless performance. It's something different https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWmW16r5dsQ
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