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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Great remix, I really like it. Very atmospheric and calming. Turtle paradise.
  2. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    These takes are boring. Grow up. It's not about being sexual. Everyone does that. But there are degrees to it and Kim does it in an extremely cheap and distasteful way on this project. Lana never went so far, thank god.
  3. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    It's so weird when she has to fight to be allowed to release Feed the beast / problématique and then this project is always announced out of the blue and is released without any hiccups. Clearly the label is fine with putting out this one, maybe because they believe sex sells. But when she wants to bring quality she is held back.
  4. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Ouch...that teaser. I feel so bad for her, and I wonder how she feels about having to degrade herself in this manner. If she is okay with it or finds it empowering, well fine, but she takes vulgarity to a new level and it's beyond distasteful. And for what exactly? I know, this is the project that the record label actually allows her to release so she has to take what she can get. The whole situation is just so sad. I would not be surprirsed if she regretted signing to that label.
  5. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    It's so wild that this is the content she is allowed to release. Someone at the record label truly hates her.
  6. Is the title inspired by Ted Lasso?
  7. This and The Grants make me feel like a middle aged Christian MOTHER who’s praying to the good lord ️️
  8. I'm really concerned that she might not sing Carmen . Someone talk me off this hypothetical ledge!
  9. Creyk

    Ariana Grande

    Is that Julianne Moore
  10. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    She was spotted with Will. I. Am. Her mind your business is coming!
  11. Creyk

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    Why is she so legendaric?
  12. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Gaga has the best fake AI songs for real. I have been using this one also
  13. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Well most people would agree with that but what is there to do? Dr. Luke no longer prioritizes her, she is not going to get A+ material from him anymore.
  14. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Bebe does have some pretty great unreleased tracks and then her albums are full of unnecessary verses by rappers. I guess her label makes her do so many collabs on the officially released songs to boost her profile but it dilutes the quality.
  15. She doesn't even remember the lyrics to her officially acknowledged and released songs so I doubt it. Poems are usually more lengthy and complicated anyway so it makes sense they are just gone and she barely remembers a few lines from them.
  16. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Kinda disappointed in girl of my dreams, it doesn't have much going for it Expected more
  17. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Is the overdrive leak real? It sounds so much like her...but IDK
  18. I can't with pathetic flop members in here complaining. Lana just gifted us an amazing, GORGEOUS song out of nowhere and you are still bitching? Shut the fuck up.
  19. As super fans it's normal for us to think that and always want more Lana...but I actually think she plays really well off of Miles Kane in that one. And now that I think about it more it is interesting that he is such a prominent part of the song, yet it is billed as a solo Lana song, not a collaboration or feature.
  20. Her voice sounds aamzing on it and it's something different for her whie still staying within her aesthetic
  21. Creyk

    Movie vs. Movie

    The Great Gatsby vs Mean Girls
  22. I've been pondering this for months, but honestly: The first part of A&W >>>> the jimmy jimmy coco puff part.
  23. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    So we can finally have a properly produced version of 1000 Doves!
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