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Everything posted by Creyk

  1. Creyk

    Sufjan Stevens

    You did not lie, this is really good and has that same vibe as mystery of love
  2. Creyk

    Kim Petras

    Better than we can't stop
  3. Creyk

    Sufjan Stevens

    I tried to get into his music but couldn't, too weird. Mystery of Love and that gideon song are great bedroom bops though
  4. Creyk


    Next album is coming in 2020.
  5. How dare she wear that t-shirt when she knows she will be photographed. The bitch is taunting us.
  6. When interpreting this song, we have to keep in mind that Lana wrote it when she was 20 years old, still 7 years away from finding success. This is one of the few songs in which Lana is talking to herself, it was written by Lana Del Rey, to Lana Del Rey. You have a right to live your life Like no one else does, like no one else might If you have visions, come on and live them out Obviously, Lana chose an unorthodox way of life, that raised many doubts in her, and the people around her. Pursuing a carreer as a singer is not an easy thing to do, and the chance for success is low. But here, Lana tells herself that it's okay to make this choice, she can live her life the way she wants to, even if it is unusual. She chose to prioritize realizing her dreams, she is willing to do what it takes to live out her visions, she will try and persevere. All you need is some peace while you are here Just let go until you are home, dear. Many people say it is important to make peace with where you are, to find a way to be okay here and now. This song is an attempt to find that peace. Lana tells herself to try to let go of needing a certain outcome to be happy, to just be happy with what she already has. According to certain guides, if you let go of what you want it will just come to you on it's own. She makes that suggestion to herself here. Maybe if she is just happy with what she has, things will get better. I had a dream when I was young I dreamt our lives were going to be fun We were always waiting to live It is important to note that when Lana says "we", she refers to herself, the she now and the she from the past together, the young girl whose dreams were dashed upon an unfortunate series of events, divided like a millions stars in the night sky, that she wished on over and over again - sparkling and broken. When she was young and hopeful, she thought her life was going to be a certain way, she applied these new age concepts and phylosophies, focusing her mind away from the world thinking if she just thinks about her dreams enough, she can bring them to reality. So she was always waiting to live. Once I did this enough, once I got what I wanted, then.... I will be a beautiful poet, and life will be fun. She wrote down these lines (we were always waiting to live), disappointed that what she did in fact did not work. All you need is some peace while you are here Just let go of it all, dear Lana is trying to deal with her disappointment over not making the progress she would like to with her life (another notable song dealing with this subject / headspace / feeling is Tired of Singing The Blues), and tries to just make it okay that she failed. She says to herself, well I didn't make it, maybe if I am here and I have a roof over my head, I have nature and my own peace, that will be enough for me, I am trying to let go of these old desires haunting me. (Maybe If I don't need them they will come on their own). You have a choice to hear the noise Or hear the sweet sound of your sweet voice. I know I've heard it, I heard it in my sleep You have a choice whether you focus on the noise (negative inner talk, you are disappointment, you did not accomplish what you set out to do). Or the "sweet voice", the positive. The new age teachings that Lana followed do emphasize this distinction. She has heard both before, and is trying to make the right choice. Wake up each night at the same time Roll up the blind and look outside And in the orange light, the fog is rising This is life, this tonight, peace in the quiet Happiness is the sky The last couple of songs are very telling. First of all, we know that Lana used to live a repetitive life. She would read the same books, listen to the same songs, look for consistency. So it makes sense that she always woke up at the same time as well. She looks outside, and sees the beautiful orange light of a sunrise, the fog is just rising, and takes pleasure in the pretty view. We know that Lana loves nature, loves going on walks and drives, or to the beach, finding happiness in the beauty of nature is also mentioned in her Ultraviolence song Black Beauty. Lana is an introvert, she finds harmony in the peace and quiet of being alone (God Knows I Tried also shows this), looks out the window and tries to cheer herself up because even if she doesn't have what she wants, she does have beauty surrounding her at least. This song is about choosing happiness in the face of defeat and trying to make do with the good things in life that you do have, even if you don't have it all. It is a very vulnerable song about a painful subject with which everyone can identify and I think it's a wonderful song. Lana's lyrics are delicate and not too obvious, and I love the subtle insight it gives into her headspace at the time. (Sunrise with a fog rising looks like this, it really is a pretty view.)
  7. I love all of them honestly, the lyrics are so heartbreakingly beautiful and really make you feel something. Try Tonight is very relatable for an addict. Your Mister also communicates the feeling of longing extremely well, it's a great song.
  8. What are her best songs even I hear she gives the gays everything they want? I only heard 1 song by her? ( and I know what that "Im so fancy but I already know it" song is but it doesn't seem great)
  9. She does have 1 good song The Boom Clap one
  10. Creyk

    Ariana Grande

    Ariana is only a feminist when it is convenient to her.
  11. That will never be an objective statement Also, cute 162th post
  12. Dayglo: a brand name for a type of brightly-coloured paint that seems to shine especially brightly in ordinary light The earth is but a dayglo reflection Dayglo paint is famous for it's quality that it's reflection gives off of a very colorful and nice quality even in ordinary light. Therefore, the first line "the earth is but a dayglo reflection" refers to the idea that Earth, and Life on Earth is only a reflection of something much more wonderful that exists in the background. This is supported by Heaven being mentioned later on in the song. A turn that will bring you only light I'm forming to myself, but I'm not going Waiting for the day to bring me light This passage refers to time passing as in within a day, depending on tha angle from which the rays of sun hit an object, shadows change and so does the reflection, the quality of life that a person lives. The person singing the song (Bobby Womack) is awaiting better parts of life. He is forming, but not going yet, he is growing but the time did not come yet for him to really step out into the light. If heaven thinks that everything is everything The first line is very hard to grasp, Lana tries to tap into how the non-physical, Heaven thinks about life. Within many spiritual circles, it is an accepted concept that we are all one, we are all different expressions of the same wonderful being, and that is why everything really is everything. (And Lana did read books that make these kinds of statements) The only thing I ever dreamed is you and me Cause I'd break down, I'd take you down And I'd love it every step of the way Lana always wanted this feeling of unity, oneness and love, but it is not easy to get a hold of through human relationships. From earlier interviews we know she always felt she needed someone to be there to be secure, therefore If she could, she would just force the ideal relationship, make it happen right here and now with someone, if only it was possible. (and she would love it so much every step of the way). This verse expresses the futile struggle of life as we trie to capture the harmony that is so pervasive in the afterlife, the state we all pine for while living on Earth (we're all just looking for connection, we all want to be seen - same idea there) Watching from a distant constellation The first obvious question is, what constellation? Since Lana is singing the song, it can only mean the star system we are in, where Lana is singing. Lana feels like the place in the universe she is at the time is far from all these ideals expressed in the song. Eyes that can see the world in changing hues The eyes that see clearly, are aware of these truths, see the bigger picture, understand and know what is coming, know what the changing hues, the changes of the world, but also what one's destiny in the afterlife will be like. Visions still unfolding, sweet images Time reveals that love's the only truth While contemplating the concepts of heaven, spirituality, afterlife, we as people can't get a concrete sense of these things with physical senses, but there are people who claim to get visions, or premonitions about what the afterlife is like, and once we die we all return to the same form of energy, which is liquid love, it is true that once your time is down, and you die it will be revealed that love is all that there is, that really is the only truth. It's been years and years since I have been listening to this song,and pondering it's secret meaning, and this is the only sense I can make of it. This song is about the wonderful origin of the physical world, separated from our physical senses by a veil, we don't see it but we sense it, over time, with age and practice we can come closer to it, and return to it in death. This song talks about an idea of self-improvement in Bobby Womack's verse and the sample, and focuses more on the longing towards this ideal place in the Lana penned-lines.
  13. I'm replaying Born To Die (album) for the 1000th time and still not tired of it. I just know LDR6 won't be half as good as this classic Lana plz make sad beautiful music and don't try to be happy anymore
  14. Creyk

    Troye Sivan

    It has a good, explosive chorus. The lack of that is what killed his ariana collab for me. He honestly should add at least 5 more songs to the album. It really is weird to have almost half of it already
  15. It is possible to use your money & connections to launch a person's music carreer. Look at the cyrus sisters, or Ariana Grande. Beyonce also comes to mind, her manager dad did a lot for her. OT: You all are mean, the OP asked a great question. I think Lana is a very fascinating and mysterious person, and she would be even more fascinating and great if these things turned out to be true about her. Like a cool queen
  17. Creyk

    Troye Sivan

    New song out. The chorus doesn't have the necessary kick, which ruins the entire song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrMAfMbZOmg
  18. Creyk

    Lily Allen

    Agreed. It seems she lost her creativity after child birth, this is a step down.
  19. Creyk

    Lily Allen

    Album is out
  20. Creyk

    Lady Gaga

    Talent, success and beauty.
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