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Everything posted by surfnoirswing

  1. Biiiiiiitch ! Finally a top 40 we can brag about
  2. the song is cute, better than Chained. won't be watching the video for sure tho, why does her face look green in the single cover
  3. hmm been looking online but couldn't find anywhere where Lana cited or talked about Stevie Nicks... she is cited as an influence on alanwikia and apparently Stevie watched her perform at a private event once in 2011 but couldn't find anything more.
  4. this is a gorgeous theory, loves it. I always thought the word just really fit the whole theme of the Paradise album and was just something that "sounded beautiful" to her but if she actually had this kind of influences in mind it would be amazing !
  5. The music video will be coming when LFL impacts on radios so in May Hopefully we get a promotional single, would love to hear something from the acoustic side of the record as she called it. Btw at least May 26th is a perfect date for the album, the only other "relevant releases" are Lil Yachty and Shakira might also release on that day but all her albums flop in the US and UK (never had a number 1 and her last album flopped harder than HM) so it will be an easy NUMBER 1
  6. Pre-order and release date coming today ! I speak that into existence
  7. Lana followed Sam Smith back recently Also she liked Marina's tweet about Electra Heart turning 5: https://twitter.com/marinadiamandis/status/857812935761997824
  8. RIght now Last time you got drunk
  9. to work on it with Lou Reed ? I think she said she wanted him on Brooklyn Baby
  10. Who would've ever thought. This is such a surprising collaboration and not sure what to expect. I love them both very much but I don't see how their voices could work together, anyways I'm expecting a lyrical masterpiece. If Lana can get Stevie on a record and dares to sing shit like stranger than a stranger I'm unstanning forever. Hoping for some gypsy, road dogs inspired images and a gorgeous music video
  11. Bitch, she got the Weeknd, John Lennon's son, Stevie Nicks all on one album. Even if she doesn't promote the hype is already big and the collabs will attract all kinds of listeners and not only her usual ones. Album of the century coming !
  12. Bitchies the #lustforlifestreamingparty is flopping on twitter! Move y'all asses there and tweet the hashtag
  13. the #LustForLifeStreamingParty starts in 10 minutes on twitter bitchies
  14. Paris Jackson on insta, prob not referencing Lana but who knows: https://instagram.com/p/BTWBBizBhTi/
  15. Mess.. this is her most liked post ever yet it's still flopping https://instagram.com/p/BTFESjflEWY/ Btw I believe we'll still have to wait for a music video, these pics posted by Abel are from the set and they are from just 2 weeks ago so at least a few more weeks to edit and finish the video: https://instagram.com/p/BSuLi2ig2qn/ ; https://instagram.com/p/BSxBF9NhtEQ/
  16. https://open.spotify.com/user/knhikjklloqoqo/playlist/1eo6FYKT0g2IQcLWRFf8zx
  17. Bitch who cares it's only to inform people it's happening, tomorrow I'll tweet all the links
  18. what links should I put ? Spotify, iTunes and Shazam ? + I think the hour is pretty good for all timezones right ?
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