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Everything posted by surfnoirswing

  1. Ugh Love is finally discounted and it's barely rising in the US and nobody on Twitter has even noticed. It's over, time for single number 2 please
  2. I'm not from the US, can anyone confirm LOVE is discounted there ?
  3. The album cover is ugly, too messy and full for me
  4. WOoooo LOVE #84 in the US ! I told y'all it would be a sleeper hit
  5. WHAT if by "especially on Tuesdays" (since the album release day is Friday) she maybe meant we're getting something on THIS tuestday ?
  6. In my opinion she can have all the collabs she wants as long as she doesn't release them a singles (except for maybe the title track with Abel)
  7. Zella Day tweeted the strawberry like 3 weeks ago, y'all reaching
  8. Y'all so annoying. Lana finally tries something new and you're all complaining about this and that. At least we're not getting a fucking Honeymoon 2.0
  9. Btw Love about to re-enter the top100 in the US Sleeper Hit Coming
  10. THE Only good thing about all these collabs is that it will attract the attention of different types of people ! Other than the Weeknd I'm not really excited for any of the others hinted (Sean, Courtney, now maybe BØRNS) but it's nice to hear new sounds
  11. strawberry Fields cover confirmed ! So it's Abel, Courtney, Sean and now maybe BØRNS. That's more than enough for me
  12. BØRNS is also on the album apparently https://twitter.com/bornsmusic/status/847550856559906816
  13. I doubt there will be an interview on NME, she's just promoting her usual summer festival tour
  14. I don't think she made the drawing.... at least I hope
  15. lmao Lana's latest post includes Lorde
  16. ugh after the filter, the trailer and the announcement of the album Love is rising in in many countries ! It's time now for them to play the damn discount card for the US and UK to make sure it becomes a smash. Plus it's again in the Spotify WW and UK charts No other LDR single since BTD has resisted this long
  17. LMAOO I'm not sure if I should post this in this thread but fucking FOX News Talked about Lana and the whole Witchcraft thing ! Get that promo right before the album release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVmeU-eq4ys
  18. The director specifically talked about the 7 planets meaning something in particular... what do yall think ? A song title or maybe something to do with the release date ? btw did anyone notice how even Kris Novoselic (former Nirvana member) tweeted about Lust for Life ? legends only
  19. I dont know... I hope I'm wrong but since only Abel has writing credits and stuff I'm beginning to fear he might do just an interlude maybbe to introduce the album or something I hope I'm wrong because the title tracks are usually her best songs on the album + I love the Weeknd but I don't want him on the fucking title track
  20. WHEN SHE SAYS ""smack dab in the middle of hollyweird" i JUST PICTURE HER SAY "SMACK THAT BITCH" because of that meme lmaoooo
  21. Now i hope i'm wrong because I really want a full song but after seeing the writing credits and the trailer I'm starting to think that Lust For Life might be like an interlude or something of Abel speaking and maybe introducing the album hope i'm wrong because the title track has always been one of my favorite on Lana's albums (except for sister HoneySnooze)
  22. she can keep it if she has a collab with Yoko Ono
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