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About ultrarescent

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    Contemplating God
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  1. Did the same thing a minute ago...
  2. 3:36. Is this the same Izak she is mentioning here?
  3. In Bulgarian: BTD = Родени за да Умрем ( Rodeni za da Umrem) - I am using the "We" form as it is in the context of the song. Paradise = Рай (Rai) UV = Ултранасилие (Ultranasilie) HM = Меден Месец (Meden Mesets) LFL = Жажда за Живот (Zazda za Jivot) NFR = Норман Ебан (Шибан) Рокуел( Norman Eban (Shiban) Rokuel) COCC = Следи Над Кънтри Клуба ( Sledi Nad Kuntri Kluba) - instead of chemtrails I'm using contrails which in my language translated as traces. We don't have a word for a country club. BB = Сини парапети ( Sini Parapeti)
  4. It's the same thing for the cd. Such a bummer
  5. I have yet to hear anything post BTD excluding Y&B and Doin Time playing on the radio here.
  6. Did any of the bulgarians here catch White Mustang playing on the "Фермата"? It was so random.
  7. Meh I can't agree that she is lazy towards her writing. Violet is a masterpiece. COCC has amazing lyrics, the new three singles have beautiful writing as well. Judging by Patent Leather Do-Over, Behind The Iron Gates will be another masterpiece. The snippet of Arcadia has some of her more picturesque lyrics as well. Her writing is only getting better. While the piano overstays it's welcome and it is getting boring and repetitive her writing on the other hand is thriving.
  8. Echoes of Swift's production on Del Rey's new album The clownery.
  9. ultrarescent


    It does resemble MAC. It's a fun track. Nothing super exciting. Might get some radio play since it's quite summery. But I like the ladder part of the song. I'm interested in which direction the album will go.
  10. ultrarescent

    Song vs. Song

    White Dress vs Wildflower Wildfire
  11. Not her promoting Jack's album????
  12. Was she dating Sean during the time she released VB?
  13. Damn...I thought BB was going to be a cute happy track about finding the right man only for it to turn in to another emotional rollercoaster. The lyrics pack quite the punch
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