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Everything posted by 111

  1. That was about the Black Beauty leaks lmao
  2. They are talking about how Lana didn't sue me but instead begged me not to leak UV outtakes but I did The irony is at the end of the day I wasn't even the one to leak UV outtakes Yawn
  3. Elle can you ban the words "your girl" Thanks love Send more snaps of Snickers <3
  4. There are some rats on Twitter who added me to their overly homosexual group and begged for info And I obviously didn't spill anything So they started threatening blackmailing and all that crap lel I was being cringy/nice then left So they are now starting drama about how Lana begged me not to leak UV outtakes and I still did! Wow I'm so shookd! I broke Lana's heart with UV outtakes!! Can you believe it
  5. I just saw Isaiah's post about tiramisu and I didn't realize I posted the same thing Awkward
  6. What's a terusame Sounds like tiramisu Yum
  7. You are just jealous cause Snake Swift can never have those iconic sandals on her ugly feet
  8. Yeah even when she facetimes me she wears those ugly sandals and she forces me to watch her toes I feel abused
  9. With those ugly sandals? No way I'm gonna make her change it first
  10. Yes babe but it's my fault cause my obese ass sat on the cable while it was plugged and it just SNAPPED But omg let me do a warranty claim You are a genius love you
  11. Salmonella is our true lord and saviour
  12. I broke my headphone's plug and it got stuck in my laptop's jack Does anyone know how I can replace the plug because I spent so much on these headphones Also Best Anal Rimming
  13. You got legit info and you keep talking about... Fake rumors and Beautiful As Roses (yikes)
  14. Insiders? Eh... Don't waste your time with that crap.
  15. I wouldn't have known Benny Blanco was involved in this in million years. My bet is that he probably co-wrote. If Lana is not that upset after she sees my DM, I will ask her for more information about who contributed how to the song. Don't worry babies.
  16. As I said, I like this one. It's a good, fresh song. Might get maybe a little bit of radio play, it's not a snooze like Honeymoon. But it's not straight up POP. Far from it. How is it my fault? Her team/label allowed for the registration! Everyone went crazy over Wild Side and everyone was going crazy over this one already. Lanaisiconic on Instagram posted about it and Lana herself comments on that account's stuff regularly. So she was definitely going to see all of this happening. I just cleared up some rumours (fans thinking it's the album title when it's not) and informed her. This has nothing to do with me. Stop making it about me. Peace!
  17. Yes because she was upset when she first saw "YAIL" on my profile and told me not to give the full title away - and I didn't all these months. Since. April. So yes she will be upset when her team indirectly announced it before she could post it herself.
  18. I already informed her by the way. This is all her team's/label's fault.
  19. I come here with peace and to have an actual decent discussion. One or two people show up, start writing hateful posts then leave. But it only becomes a problem when I defend myself. And the usual response; you are causing a scene, take the dramatics somewhere else. And yes obviously it's a huge turn-off when I feel nice and come here after months to talk and maybe share some stuff, but it ends up being a mess so I pack my shit and go - nothing ends up leaked in the end. The drama will never stop until I upload my hard drive to mega, and that will never happen so. It will continue with or without me. Good luck to the mods. 5 mins in here and it's nothing more than headaches.
  20. Trayer, even though I know she is a good person, didn't stop for a second to ask what have I actually contributed to this fanbase before launching an attack on me for edited files being leaked. And I just think it's because she wasn't around when I was actively sharing stuff with all of you. Even though I did my best to explain it to her, it showed a few things to me about this forum that are still persistent in the background and will always be when I come online. You can't be active more than 5 minutes here without someone calling you an attention seeker because you posted a bunch of snippets and did some :)ty teasing back in the day (which I apologized for, it was fun up until it wasn't), BUT you also leaked a huge amount of information and HQ unedited songs - that people seem to have forgotten 5 minutes later. All the times you shut down fake info so that fans wouldn't be exposed to lies. All the times you provided stuff that would've never been discovered if it wasn't for you. And contrary to the popular belief, I never asked for 'nudes' or 'money' or anything before providing these things. But it's just obvious some people will never get over some things and all the same complaints will be brought up over and over and over again with messy gays quoting and saying "yass slay expose", creating more drama. See? I actually tried being nice this time. And I didn't start drama on purpose. And I was this close to sharing some of the unedited files and explaining what has been tampered with in the first place. But this place will always be LetsHateEclipse.com every time I show up - even now that I fixed my act. You could have stopped to ask yourself for a second, yes Eclipse was an asshole, but didn't he actually come through in the end and shared so much? Is it right to blame him for these edited songs being leaked? Or are we just blind to the reality? So have fun with that. Hate is ugly. Get over it. A messy gay leaked edited files because he wanted to get the credit after he started distributing them and they were slowly starting to leak. Not my fault. Not my problem. I am going back to Twitter. Good night and I'll see you later, "Lana"boards.
  21. Oh I think there's a serious problem still persistent about leaks being "edited". Well I know this may upset people but I will not be held responsible for them. The user who leaked them had been enjoying those files in secret for many months before he messed up big time. So no, they weren't leaked because they were 'edited'. He only leaked them to shift the blame on me and save himself, not because he wanted to share songs with you out of the kindness in his heart. Sorry about it guys. That's all I want to say about that terrible business!
  22. I am sorry if I upset you trayer! I like you. I don't see at all where this is coming from. I leaked many songs in unedited, original HQ forms. She is of course not okay with people posting information about upcoming releases whether it'd be release dates or titles. And I never posted any of those! I just said she got used to the idea that I have some stuff. And I just gave my opinion on what I've heard and seen. Contrary to popular belief, I never tagged her on my tweets. She saw my tweet when I responded to the radio host who tagged her. So I wasn't trying to guilt her into talking me. It was just a coincidence. Her old unreleased work, no one knows what she feels about them right now. So I haven't really thought about her while trading or sharing or leaking old songs, considering 100s of them leaked before me. I just think you have the wrong idea about all of this, you are confused about LDR5 material and old songs. Maybe it's because you weren't actively following stuff that has been going on? But I know you mean well when you wrote all of that so just contact me if you have any questions bugging you. There's no need for polluting this thread any more. Love you! x
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