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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. Pop-punk for 12 year olds band 5S0S named Lana as an influence for their upcoming album lmao
  2. Now THIS is some tea TBH all I really want is Lana's BTD lyricism back
  3. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Stargirl vs Dayglo Reflection
  4. I was listening to it as background noise earlier and legitimately got stressed lmao which makes me sad because I love it too, I'll probably have to not listen to it for a while though. They just happen to play it during arguably the worst part of the entire experience- everyone losing their god damn mind bc it's their last chance to get a picture/hug
  5. It's okay, I understand. I'm sorry I snapped at you! I'm really glad you guys enjoy these! Like I said that's why I started these rates, even though I'm bad at math lol.
  6. I don't live on LB. It's actually pretty difficult to keep up with the scores and it takes me over an hour to calculate the actual ones when the time comes, but I do it because this is fun. That's time I could be using to do my coursework. Sorry for not posting this is a timely manner according to your standards
  7. I feel the same way about OTTR instrumental, it brings me right back to being in the pit at the end of the show when she was doing her final interactions with the audience and everyone was in fucking panic mode
  8. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    I saw her in 2017 and met her, she concert was a lot of fun and very high energy, she's a great performer. Did you buy tickets with someone or just buy one for yourself? Either way, it's always fun to dance and hear a live performance. I doubt you'd regret going unless your tickets were really expensive
  9. I'm calling the SWAT team to delete this post
  10. I think there is a music video survivor thread, you might be interested in that! That does sound like a good idea though
  11. The rules are simple, rate EACH track from Honeymoon (*for the sake of this rate we will be excluding Burnt Norton*) out of 1-10. After about a week or so I'll average out all the scores to reveal how each song ranks according to the members of LB. To make things more interesting, you can give ONE song a 0 and ONE song an 11. Those numbers are to be reserved for when you really love or really hate a song. If you give more than one song either of those scores, your rate won't be counted. If you'd like you can provide explanations for your rates. Please feel free to discuss with other members in this thread but try not to argue too much The more members contribute to this rate the more accurate it will be so join in! Honeymoon: 7 Music To Watch Boys To: 6 Terrence Loves You: 8 God Knows I Tried: 7 High By The Beach: 5 Freak: 6 Art Deco: 9 Religion: 9 Salvatore: 10 The Blackest Day: 7 24: 11 Swan Song: 8 Don't Let Me Be Understood: 6
  12. Probably hundreds! I have a big bookshelf in my room with plenty of classics and older literature. I pick up a lot of them from thrift stores. Do you own a piece of clothing older than 20 years old?
  13. loleetah

    Your Favorite

    I don't know much about all of them but I've been really into Farrah Moan's looks lately Favorite time of the day
  14. The BP soundtrack is fantastic, Kendrick was such a good choice to curate it. He's great on All The Stars but SZA ruins the song for me
  15. HST SUUUPER smart, nice but will call you out when necessary. Dedicated to studying and gets bomb grades, but still super fun and chill to hang out with. A king
  16. Basic pop music is The Chainsmokers, Katy Perry, top 40. In what way is BTD anything like that besides the songwriting format
  17. I genuinely don't understand how anyone could hold that opinion
  18. How could you ever say that LFL and BTD are on or even close to the same level nnnnnn
  19. There has to have been a better way for you to make this point than saying that Lana should have died
  20. They for sure were never disciplined properly, and for BOTH kids to turn out like this, you have to wonder what their parents are like
  21. loleetah

    Your Favorite

    Halloween! Favorite era for fashion?
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