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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. I hope the person in charge of this doesnt have an android
  2. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    Well, considering the history of the n word, I don't think it's appropriate for anyone non-black or AA to say it because of how detrimental it historically has been specifically to those groups. That may be hard to wrap your head around honestly but the word has an ugly history and just shouldn't really be used by anyone who hasn't reclaimed it. That however, doesn't necessarily make any non-black/AA person who says it racist. If someone used it to degrade another it would be, but in the case of singing along to song lyrics not so much.
  3. Is anyone compelling Jhene's setlist? I wanna know what songs of hers to know before my date
  4. Based on what I think is most likely, and also my hopes: Opener: Love (not in any order after) Lust For Life West Coast Cherry Born To Die Video Games An unreleased song (that isn't Serial Killer) Change Get Free Blue Jeans Ride Roses Bloom For You? Salvatore Either UV or MTWBT Shades Of Cool White Mustang Either WTWWAW or GBA National Anthem
  5. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    She said she didn't actually say the word, and tbh I can't really tell if she did or not but it sounds like she at least said the ni- part? Anyways it was a 3 year old cover and there are other white artists who say the n word multiple times on purpose in multiple songs so I think she'll be okay it's twitter drama
  6. loleetah

    Ariana Grande

    What was it like in your dream?? I think it will be more romantic and introspective than DW but still "mature" and in keeping with that sound, but with less femme-fatale themes and more of the soft-pink Ariana aesthetic if that makes sense
  7. My concert is next week, and I'm looking out my window as a blizzard ensues and its been like 4 degrees Fahrenheit all week dsfes Luckily i'm skipping the line
  8. loleetah


    Another day another hideous post by you. I don't fault her for doing coke, she's a celebrity, and her music has always hinted at drug use. It was sloppy to do it so openly when there are paps around especially as she has mostly young fans. Don't see the fuss about this one
  9. loleetah

    Ariana Grande

    The snippet is beautiful, my wig is ready for launch
  10. This just in: Donald Trump personally flew every plane that took off in 2017 https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/trumps-bogus-claim-of-credit-for-aviation-safety/549461/
  11. You didn't miss too much, the chorus is not exceptional, and Lana is sparsely in the verses, she doesn't have a solo. I recorded it though, if you want a link to it i can PM you!
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