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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    Oh my god, that is so disturbing. The weird thing is I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. I hope this story gains more exposure.
  2. loleetah

    Song vs. Song

    Old Money vs Heroin
  3. Listen to Strange Love by her as well, the melody in the chorus is directly ripped from Born To Die
  4. Yeah, it makes it seem like Lana was only in the mood to take like 5 photos that day so they had to make use with what they had lol
  5. Crackhead in the parking lot selling bootleg shirts after the concert teas
  6. i actually can't imagine Lana singing this, I think the lyrics and melody are much more Halsey (aka trash)
  7. I got really upset at my best friend for trying to act like he knew better than I do whats best for me. This was probably a few months ago Whens the last time you used a dating/hookup app?
  8. Supposedly those accounts were nonstop bothering Lana and her management and would make groups with her in it to spam her
  9. Lana said she wanted the next video to maybe be in technicolor, this song would be awesome for that. Like I said before I'd love if this video had Petra Collins vibes
  10. I'm not sure which one it is, or it could be a different twin each time (lol) but yeah they've met each other a few times, he texted me a few days ago and said that he'd seen one of them walking down his street but he can't tell them apart
  11. The Snoop Dogg one still gets me every time
  12. I had 3 of my friends comment on my behalf on the video and i sent her a DM but she didn't see it. I would have killed for something of hers Maybe one day she'll notice me About whether or not being followed by her gives you an advantage, when you have as many followers and accounts trying to interact with you as Lana does IG shows her messages from them first. It doesn't mean it won't show things from those she doesnt follow but thats the way IG works
  13. Also off topic but my boyfriend regularly runs into one of them on his street hahaha
  14. I'm so excited for Lana! There's tough competition for sure but I am holding out hope for our girl. If she does perform I think it will likely be Love. I don't really think Cherry fits the Grammy stage. A lowkey acoustic duet with Sean could be nice though!
  15. loleetah

    Dua Lipa

    I saw her a few days ago. Wasn't she amazing?
  16. Banned for exceeding maximum number of Yosemite mentions per day
  17. Graham you've become one of my favorite members lately This thread is wild these newbies are getting too comfortable
  18. I don't think @roctab was trying to idolize Manson with that post, it just seems like a commentary on why the American public was/still is so interested in the Manson story. You can't deny it is a cultural phenomenon. But it's that way because people are morbidly curious, and Manson was such a "character" despite being a demonic monster like you said. But the thought of a bunch of women being so entranced by a delusional man who thought he was the next Jesus that they were willing to kill because he said so is so shocking of a story that to this day people are still mystified by it. It's human nature to be morbidly intrigued. It's why we watch the news to see awful things, it's why we slow down when we drive by a car accident. People want to know why Manson was the way he was, that's why his psyche is still talked about. It's "other" to us. Finding those things interesting doesn't mean anyone condones them
  19. I agree, I think I already associated LFL with summer (the songs register warm weather for me for some reason) UV for me is a Fall/Winter album BTD is universal I could listen to any song any day and HM is summer for me too somehow
  20. I'm surprised he made it this long. By now I'm sure he's nicely settled into the deepest pit of Hell.
  21. I'm not gonna quote that post but yikes that was quite possibly the biggest reach of all time
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