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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. loleetah

    Melanie Martinez

    Saaaame, it's been long enough since MH came out, at leasts some small pieces of info about the new album would be nice. According to her original timeline it should have been out by now If we still have a January release we should be getting new stuff in November
  2. The thing about a Lizzy comeback was that AKA was written at a time when Lana really was young and naive, she seemed to be fetishizing the seediness of the life she was living, that's what made Lizzy so unique. But Lana's life isn't like that anymore. It'd be interesting to hear a maturer Lizzy sound, but I don't think it'd sound much like AKA
  3. One of Athsmalia's stans on twitter commented on that screenshot and said something about Lana looking like she's pushing 50 I guess having bad taste also makes people blind
  4. Last nights episode was one of my favorite AHS episodes of all time, I think! Not a huge Lena Dunham fan but she was hilarious
  5. By Melanie? Love it, I hope it leaks or is on the next album!! Lana with bangs?
  6. I'm sure you guys noticed already, but Lana restored a lot of the Instagram posts she archived! Not all of them, though
  7. So will I! Can't wait! The crowds at TD can be big but not overwhelmingly so
  8. This era might become a lot better once the tour starts! She might have some tricks planned, this is her first big tour in a long time so we might get some awesome performances and outfits. It's not done yet. I agree that it hasn't been my favorite but don't lose hope yet!
  9. As much as I love Get Free.....I kinda don't like the reference. I love Ride and those lines from the chorus specifically are so poignant I kinda feel like they shouldn't have been revisited? idk
  10. Not yet, i think it will be on sale at the merch tables and online when the tour starts.
  11. I think you need to use shoplanadelrey.com to find the merch!
  12. I'm sad that this merch is so expensive bc I really wanted the racing jacket, but at this rate it'll be like $200 You can find very similar patches on stores like etsy!
  13. When did I ever say Lindsay's statements invalidated anyone else's? lol. I'm just trying to say that he may not have tried to abuse every woman he came in contact with. I just think speculation to the point where there's news coverage of a rumor is ridiculous, in defense of Lana and of the victims who have actual stories to be paying attention to. That's what i mean
  14. Just because they were seen together doesn't mean he came onto her, Lindsay Lohan right now (who has done a bunch of movies with him) is defending him and saying he's never done anything to her. Although he clearly had some interest in her considering the work they've done together, that doesn't mean there was anything more than a creative friendly relationship, even if he was assaulting other women at the time. This obviously doesn't make Lana look very good but interest in married/older men has been a present topic in Lana's music since the beginning, so I doubt that meeting Harvey gave her any of the ideas for Cola. We even know where the opening line came from. This is getting blown out of proportion and is IMO very inappropriate, we should be giving Harvey's confirmed victims attention instead of all this which is yeah coincidental but not conclusive of anything
  15. I missed this messy ass thread Get Free is the best song on the album
  16. Unless she's also making an allegation there's nothing really for her to speak on, unless she's defending him, in which case I might have to unstan
  17. This makes me sick to think about and I sincerely hope this is a stretch like I think it is. I think the lyrical similarities are coincidences and doubt that she and Weinstein ever had a physical relationship. I don't have an explanation for the Harvey lyric but I still see Cola as just an extension of the sugar daddy/married man fetishization thats common in all of her work, and like someone else said, she wrote the song with Barrie whom she was in a relationship with at the time
  18. loleetah


    I am screaming omg Just in case anyone is nervous Lana got the idea for this song bc Barrie said that Scottish men idealized American women and said their pussies would taste like Pepsi
  19. IM SCREAMING Ive never seen this pic she looks like my moroccan aunties
  20. Reviving this thread because I love the idea of it sexwithme is cool and you're not afraid to speak your mind and share your opinions, even when they're controversial. Plus you always have cool avis, the one you have now and the one you used to have (with the girl in front of the pink bg, I had no idea who she was) are both cute
  21. I do this too lmao I actually made my sister learn it with me and we performed it drunk at my friend's house
  22. Even though it was edited I still thought the shooting scene was very graphic. If they hadn't said anything about editing it down I wouldn't have noticed. This was an awesome episode though, I'm getting so excited to see how things will wrap up
  23. Your english is nowhere near shit! I actually didn't even realize you weren't a native speaker until recently. Don't worry about people who are just looking for any avenue to be mean. Normal sane people know how difficult it is to learn a language and how rude it is to make fun of a non native speaker who is trying really hard. Not everyone can do that!
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