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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. Y'all better keep this trending so more sistrens can do the rate
  2. In case you didn't know/are outside the US, what happens now is that the F.C.C. has to present their decision to congress, which can pass or reject it. This has actually happened twice before and never passed so there's still hope!
  3. Congress still has to pass the repeal so its not set in stone yet
  4. Y'all we just fuckin lost net neutrality....................
  5. Omg TOOT that's my favorite style of her's, huge hair with eye makeup and classy dresses
  6. @@salvatore I think I'll tally up all the results in about a week, or sooner if I feel like enough people have done the rate by then Im not sure how to set up a live timer but I can assure you Yosemite is coming out on top
  7. Im cackling I'm glad the rate thread is popular, all of you should direct your LFL energies into it
  8. 60k will make for a nice little KKK rally
  9. loleetah


    They took the titles from BMI and they are listed in his catalogue so i'm not sure! I guess only time will tell
  10. loleetah


    Apparently the tracklist leaked on BMI? https://genius.com/albums/Hozier/Hozier-ii
  11. (i edited the original post to include rules about 0's and 11's. If you want to modify your scores after reading it, feel free!)
  12. The rules are simple, rate EACH track from Lust For Life out of 1-10. After about a week or so I'll average out all the scores to reveal how each song ranks according to the members of LB. To make things more interesting, you can give ONE song a 0 and ONE song an 11. Those numbers are to be reserved for when you really love or really hate a song. If you give more than one song either of those scores, your rate won't be counted. If you'd like you can provide explanations for your rates, but it's not necessary. Since we know how divisive LFL has been amongst this community and Lana stans in general, feel free to discuss your rates with other members in this thread but try not to argue too much The more members contribute to this rate the more accurate it will be so join in! I'll go ahead and start: Love: 9 Lust For Life: 7 13 Beaches: 7 Cherry: 8 White Mustang: 6 Summer Bummer: 8 Groupie Love: 6 In My Feelings: 3 Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind: 4 God Bless America- And All The Beautiful Women In It: 5.5 When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing: 6.5 Beautiful People Beautiful Problems: 6 Tomorrow Never Came: 5 Heroin: 9 Change: 7 Get Free: 9
  13. Toot but is that an edit? I don't think i've ever seen it before
  14. It would be interesting to do a site-wide rate game for LFL here, everyone rates the songs from 1-10 and then the average of the scores reveals the consensus of the songs from the members, since LFL has been so divisive amongst Lana fans
  15. I feel like it makes more sense that way?? "Go skiing" is obscure slang for doing coke but still
  16. I always heard "White lines pretty daddy goes kid, You snort it like a champ like the winner winner is" But maybe I'm wrong bc all the lyrics sites have yours on them??? idk
  17. Are these the confirmed lyrics? Bc i always heard it completely different
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