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Everything posted by loleetah

  1. I agree, I think I already associated LFL with summer (the songs register warm weather for me for some reason) UV for me is a Fall/Winter album BTD is universal I could listen to any song any day and HM is summer for me too somehow
  2. I'm surprised he made it this long. By now I'm sure he's nicely settled into the deepest pit of Hell.
  3. I'm not gonna quote that post but yikes that was quite possibly the biggest reach of all time
  4. At this point I'm able to appreciate Coachella for what it is- a mess definitely but a well-intentioned mess. If you don't take it seriously and don't actually look at it as an entry on LFL but a weird little interlude like Burnt Norton it's tolerable
  5. A memorial is being held in Echo Park right now, IG user @hotelshrimp is live streaming for anyone interested
  6. Gustav's last instagram post was a photo of fans wearing his merchandise, captioned "Look at my beautiful fans aaawwwww" A statement made by Sarah Stennett whose company worked with Peep last year: "I am shocked and heartbroken, I do not believe Peep wanted to die, this is so tragic. He had big goals and dreams for the future which he had shared with me, his team, his family and his friends. He was highly intelligent, hugely creative, massively charismatic, gentle and charming. He had huge ambition and his career was flourishing. I have spoken to his mother and she asked me to convey that she is very, very proud of him and everything he was able to achieve in his short life. She is truly grateful to the fans and the people who have supported and loved him."
  7. The pill that Peep took was laced with fentanyl, a deadly substance. Like you said they think they know who gave it to him (a sister of his friend), but it's unclear whether she knew that the pill was laced. If she did, that makes the situation a lot darker.
  8. The good thing is, no one asked you to care and no one cares if you care!
  9. For anyone curious and those who haven't heard Peep's music, here are some songs:
  10. I am honestly concerned about her. I'm not a fan of her's but she never seemed to be over him and her silence on social media is worrisome because she's usually very vocal
  11. IRL I think you'd be very sweet and hilarious, really creative, overall really reliable and good friend! This is a cool thread
  12. He was a sweet guy. Here's a nice interview with him, he talks about being Gerard Way for Halloween as a kid, he was a big MCR fan:
  13. Peep was also very clearly depressed and in an awful state of mind, that combined with being in an entourage of enablers and addicts can have disastrous results. He was posting cries for help on Instagram and no one around him had the insight to get him help, and that's why he is dead today. People are so quick to demonize addicts and I admit it can be easy to do so but things aren't so black and white. Even if he wanted to get clean, I doubt he could while living the lifestyle he had
  14. I shouldn't have to edit the post to mention that disrespectful comments are unwelcome but I will. That's a shame. I was hoping there could be a discussion about mental illness and drug use in the current state of stardom but it's sad that some people have to take it to another level. ^
  15. I knew someone would say this eventually. Peep was an addict but he was also a person. Struggling with a dependency condition isn't that simple. Think what you will about addicts but it's horrific when anyone dies from these circumstances. People think they get a free pass to be awful about the death of someone just because they died because of drugs but you really do not. To you he was just a random druggie but someone else has lost a friend, a sibling, a child, a grandchild, the list goes on. I have lost friends to addiction. Please think about what you say before you say it you unfeeling asshole.
  16. Really? I hadn't heard that, that's horrible. Not that I want to find the video but was it posted to Instagram? Sorry to hear that you & your friends are hurting, this is an awful awful turn of events. I casually liked his music but always thought he could pull a Gaga and release something really huge and influential. Sad to say we will never get that.
  17. Lil Peep (born Gustav Ahr), a rising emo-rapper, has passed away at 21 years old. Lil Peep was making waves this year with his debut full length album and had been on the rise since 2015 with his Soundcloud releases, revolutionizing the genre of "Soundcloud emo rap." A cause of death has not been confirmed but is suspected to be an overdose. Peep publicly struggled with addiction and mental illness and whether or not you like his music, it's devastating to see a young man with such potential's story cut short in this tragic way. I hope this breaks open a conversation about the horrors of addiction and mental illness. RIP. (PLEASE KEEP COMMENTS RESPECTFUL)
  18. This x10000 times He can take care of me in a recluse cabin in the woods thats all I'm gonna say
  19. I'll be okay if this video is just pretty but doesn't have a plot, I feel like the song could lend itself well to just shots of Lana looking gorgeous in a cool setting with awesome lighting and outfits. Other songs like Get Free or Heroin, if they were to be made, would definitely need a plot. But this could just be a fun sexual lil romp
  20. I was thinking this morning, i would DIE for Petra Collins to direct the Cherry video. Her aesthetic fits the song so well IMO and she could really do Lana justice But we will get an iPhone video
  21. Good morning to everyone except the directors who didn't like Lana's ideas
  22. The sirens/violins juxtaposition is one of the most interesting of Lana's lyrics, it brings such an image to mind: someone (Lana) getting hurt badly enough for the cops or ambulance to be called (at the hands of Jim) and hearing police sirens while fading in and out of consciousness, but the sweet but melancholy sounds of violins represent her romanticizing their relationship, so she stays- "give me all of that ultraviolence"
  23. I liked the second season just as much as the first! Some highlights without major plot spoilers
  24. loleetah

    Taylor Swift

    It's a bop style song but it's not a bop its actually ugly af. The lyrics are up on some sites now so you can read them. It works on the link I have, i can send it to you if you want
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