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Doll Harlow

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Everything posted by Doll Harlow

  1. It's a bit different if her boyfriend is the one doing it and not a random person. If she had an issue with it, the video probably wouldn't have been posted tbh
  2. Girl better be doing album photoshoots. These looks are too good to be solely for instagram.
  3. yall see that weird comment by r010fret edit: it looks like his comment got deleted. just a weird conspiracy nut who said that lana, chuck, charlie, grimes, ect are wearing latex suits and switch bodies or something. it was very strange.
  4. They're braindead if they do. It's a Hitchcock movie reference
  5. Living for The Birds reference. She looks superb.
  6. This era has some of the best looks and visuals since Honeymoon
  7. Hate to say this but I hope the vaping hasn't taken away her beautiful voice too much... Watched some live performances of Shades of Cool from the NFR tour and the difference from a few years ago is quite noticeable.
  8. I didn't really notice the fillers tbh. It doesn't look bad, if she did get that done.
  9. uh she never looks old? I said she looks young.
  10. She looks so young in those selfies.
  11. Cola is good but people overhype it way too much. It's much better live but we know that isn't happening again.
  12. Does this mean shes still vegan
  13. Just need to say that she looks absolutely amazing in this video. Like damn.
  14. I love that she's letting her personality show more this era, even if it tends to get her into trouble at times. This album is going to be amazing.
  15. AKA: January. Like a New Years Day vibe. Right after midnight and you're still drinking. BTD: May. The last day of school, getting ready to have a crazy summer. Paradise: October. A bit more somber than her previous albums. UV: July. This album is the embodiment of a burning hot summer. Honeymoon: December. This album will always make me think of Christmas because that's when I got my first Lana vinyl ever, in the winter of 2015. I'll never forget hearing Salvatore on vinyl for the first time. LFL: July. The ultimate summer album. NFR: August. Summer fading away. COCC: Hoping it has an October/November/December vibe. End of the world, end of the year, still trying to be happy. It makes sense in my head. But with a September release date.
  16. The bubble part made me wince a tad. The fact that she could even hold them while in a bath shows that they're probably easygoing cats though. Mine would freak the fuck out.
  17. For some reason I never listen to the title track of NFR, but when I do, damn, it hits me like a ton of bricks. Her ending vocals are so beautiful.
  18. It's just weird that people took her simply mentioning names as negatives. Her mentioning of Twigs was not done to put her down or drag her. She was making a comparison from her perspective. She may have been wrong because I've heard that Twigs has gotten a lot of criticism for her own pole dancing, but I still don't think her intention was to "drag" anyone. That seems to be the thing a lot of people are not seeing. Why does everything have to be a "drag"?
  19. Lana is holding her mask. She took it off for the photo
  20. She looks stunning! I'm guessing this will contain album news?
  21. She tagged Neil Krug. We won.
  22. I'm in Houston and everyone was panic buying yesterday to prepare. Today there is literally zero rain and it's sunny out. It really passed tf by us.
  23. Don't Let Me Misunderstood has grown on me so much. Such a good closing track and sentiment. The Other Woman is also perfect for Ultraviolence and I'm confused as to why so many people dislike it. It's such a Lana track.
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