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About marie

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  1. Song out Sep 13th, Ariana just posted. https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MkYEplHXS/
  2. I love the album cover but imagine Lana being alone and reaching her hand out like in that photo and wearing a dress with long hair
  3. This one, was this real or fake? I assumed it was fake when i saw it but everyone on here has been talking about ''In your car''
  4. So the tracklist Lana posted is real? The one she deleted, i assumed it was fake but everyone on here thinks its real.
  5. Do you guys count Paradise or AKA as a LDR album? Like when you say LDR5 do you mean NFR or LFL?
  6. We don't have it now in July because we're getting it in August/September, or did you just mean that you don't understand why it took so long?
  7. Do you guys think she'll do a tour or sing at festivals? I hope she tours.
  8. As i said before, her not posting much is good. It creates a major demand, have you seen the views on the snippet of NFR Lana put out? NFR will sell good because of this and with Doin Time and the CA soundtrack, it will create more hype. Lana doesn't owe us anything until it comes to announcing album releases etc. Which she has done. Calm. Down.
  9. This era isn't even a mess, some of yall cant even handle waiting a long time for an album to come out. The reason why NFR got pushed back was because of doin time and this collab for charlies angels. How is she ''reviving'' her career when she never fell off? Lana is doing just fine and now that NFR has major demand, its going to sell good. In my opinion, Lana not posting much and pushing back NFR was good, now fans are used to Lana not updating and that things can be pushed back. Some of y'all need to calm down. I hope this is true, this would introduce Lana to Drake fans and it would chart well. Skeptical on how it would sound tho..
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