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About mrborn2lose

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  • Location
    Hollyweird (actually tx)
  • Interests
    collecting vinyl and hanging out with my birds
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  1. I got an email yesterday saying they were shipping out the music portions of my order, since the rest of the merch is delayed. " "Your order will now be split so that any music formats will be dispatched on the 24th March, and the remaining merch item(s) you have ordered will ship in May as planned. "
  2. just got back from target, picked up the exclusive CD and vinyl. also got an email from my local record store that my indie variant was ready, so picked that one up along with the standard cover vinyl. I only opened the standard black vinyl so far to listen and it sounds great. no static or crackling so far, its clear with a deep bass. still waiting on the amazon, white and the picture disc to arrive. (along with all the cds/cassettes) also got really lucky and asked my local shop for a promo poster, and they gave it to me!! love the album so much, as always it sounds best on vinyl/ or blasting it in the car.
  3. just listened and omg>???? first of all, I think they skipped Margaret at the listening part I attended. I'm SHOOK at how much i love that song. (It might be my favorite??? lol help) I love how the album starts soft with piano ballads and then towards the end it gets trappier. This album SLAAAAPS so mf hard (personal favs are Margaret, Kintsugi, and Fishtail)
  4. omg theres a whistle?? new merch?? finally the pink tee, now wheres the titty vinyl
  5. Cassettes are back in stock on the UK store. Is the code "22LDR25" still working for anyone?
  6. im still waiting for that pink tee. and the damn titty pic vinyl LANA WHERE IS IT
  7. for those wondering about the discount code not working on the uk site, you have to create a new account with a new email to use the code. (thats what i did) so its worth saving 25% off
  8. FUCK these two new songs got me I just want to listen to them officially so Lana can take some more of my coins. FIILY reminds me of Only Girl by Kali Uchis for some reason....
  9. You probably did! I camped out early the morning of and met so many other dedicated fans. I wish you or I had said hello to each other, or we could've planned a meetup or something And I agree! I think it was pure luck, I still can't believe it happened. But I'm forever grateful my life dream came true. Hawaii was paradise! Everything about the show was BEAUTIFUL, the people, the setting, the vibes. By far one of my favorite concerts/ shows I've ever been to. It was my first time being there and I absolutely did not want to leave. I made a trip out of it and brought my mom lol (she used to live there in the 80's). So it was cool to see where she used to live and work and hang out. I'm trying to possibly go back at the end of the year again, so maybe we can meet
  10. I was at this show! I was one of the first few people that got to meet her when she pulled up outside of the venue before the show. I was with 3 others when she pulled up in a black Escalade. She got out of the car and started talking to us so casually, she took selfies with all of us and suggested a group pic. We all got to talk to her for a good 10 minutes. I asked her if she was enjoying Hawaii, and got to introduce myself. WE EVEN ASKED her about Wayamaya, and she said the band didn't know it well enough, but she might do some of it acapella. She complimented our floral outfits and asked us how she should do her hair for the show Slowly, but surely people started coming to meet her and she remained to calm the whole time. She kept telling her bodyguard "there's not too many, its fine" and she took her time meeting 20-30 other fans. We all respected her, no one shouted or yelled, we all gave her her space. Everything about it was perfect. The show itself was a bit underwhelming. She looked fucking amazing, I knew she was gonna pull through with a tropical dress. Her vocals were on point, she sounded fantastic. The venue was cute and small, and OUTSIDE. But there was a mini concrete wall between the stage and barricade. She came down to the wall and sang a bit for the barricade, but was not able to meet fans or take gifts . She opened with Summertime and only sang about 15 songs (skipped 13 Beaches and PWYC) compared to her other shows this tour. It ended fairly early, I wanna say around 9:30 PM. Shades of Cool and High By The Beach were pleasant surprises, but i was really hoping for Wayamaya, or maybe Paradise or Get Free. I have a few pictures on my twitter: https://twitter.com/mr_born2lose/status/969025627733991430 I'm not trying to brag about my experience in ANY way. I consider myself very very lucky and fortunate to be able to meet Lana. It's something I wish everyone on here could go through. She is truly the sweetest thing ever.
  11. The Austin show was amazing! I can't believe she sang Million Dollar Man and Art Deco, and when she came down to us at barricade me and my friend asked her to sing Wayamaya in Hawaii, and she FUCKING STARTED SINGING IT Here's my little video: https://twitter.com/mr_born2lose/status/962921679377768448
  12. It's just like a zippo lighter! I bought the same one. All you have to do is take apart the bottom and fill it up with zippo lighter fluid (you can buy it at stores, gas stations, amazon) I love using the lighter sparking up a cig or a joint
  13. AND TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THE BUTTON omg the trump shade is REAL
  14. @ hulahoophoneyq is barricade and has her instagram on live right now!! just finished national anthem a TOTALLY DIFFERENT WORLD LEADER... lmao trump shade
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