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Everything posted by ImTragic

  1. Sonically, she says the sound of Lust For Life "jumps around a lot". "It mixes a more acoustic sound to a heavier beatsy darker sound that's similar to Born To Die." Yes. Yes. happy but with a darker sound. Thats my Lana. Even SB had a quick BTD messy rhythm but sounded dark. And WM. And Cherry. Its all good
  2. Why does everyone want BAR on the album..when we already have the song??? I would prefer something else.. especially when we know BAR already
  3. Anyone heard more powerful, clear and perfect vocals like these from here??
  4. Never because im that tragic omg When was the last time you had a headache?
  5. Banned because you wont allow me to touch you cause im 17
  6. im SOBBING. CUMMING. and DANCING in the same time to this oh my god
  7. Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time past
  8. i dont know whats up with yall but i got the summertime sadness and i hope there are some depressing songs on this album to get drunk to and cry the entire night
  9. "This album is for the fans ..... That leaked all my personal songs continuously AND also the song from my new album. Please feel my pain. Love yall kids"
  10. Even my grandma does also lol Do you own a boyfriend?
  11. Its not really about taste, i believe that she follows her feels. Like her lyrics Everybody said youre a killer But i couldnt stop the way i was feeling I am the same and in a similar situation. You can be hot as fuck but if I dont feel it... then i cant do anything. I never ever felt before what i do now because of a guy. Its a blessing and a curse. Average looks, small, old. I dont care. He doesnt like commitment, he is married, he has other stuff to do but I CANT STOP THE WAY IM FEELING
  12. Well, maybe she sees his mustang being white as a metaphor.... because in Lana's eyes he actually has a pure and good soul Not a "killer" like others say, and that could reflect through the actual dark color of his mustang So she metaphorically idealizes bad men like always, because she is overcome with feels Also// if she said black mustang it was dead obvious and yeah
  13. I dreamt about a girl that looked IDENTICAL to Lana and i was looking at her videos and pics on instagram while Lanaboards for some reason was a mess about it and kept screaming wtf
  14. I miss yall fighting and having breakdowns while i watch and read everything obsessively for hours
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