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Everything posted by bluefiona

  1. I can't believe she actually had the playback on for this performance. This is a small intimate setting, not an arena show. I mean - What is the difference between this and lip syncing? Milli Vanilla had their Grammy's taken away for lip syncing. Ashley Simpson got hell for being caught using a playback recording on SNL. Britney Spears has been shamed for years for lip syncing. What's the difference here? Make this make sense.
  2. Why is she performing with a phone in her hand? Is she actually reading the lyrics as she sings? I know Lana's lazy but Jesus.
  3. "Lana Del Rey? Never heard of her but her name sounds like a porn star's name" - Wendy Williams.
  4. Also add the fact all the years she's been smoking and now Vaping (which is even more dangerous then cigarettes) - is it any wonder why her voice isn't the same anymore?
  5. Lana hasn't done a great show since 2014. Nope, I wasn't impressed with her Endless Summer tour either. Her live shows prime was in 2012 - 2013. She was okay in 2014. After that - nope. I wouldn't go to any of her shows today even if I got free tickets. Between her lack of singing, poor effort, horrible clothing choices and the psychotic screaming stans - no thank you. I'll watch it on YouTube better. PS: How in the world do you post videos in here? I wanted to post a few videos here but all I see is the link when I post the video.
  6. Just saying, vaping in general is bad and I hope she stops doing it. If she has to have a vice, it might as well be matcha-ing or something. Vaping is dangerous in general.
  7. These photos were taken by Chuck and weren't photoshopped at all. A little photoshop does go a long way but lets face it, all the years of smoking and now vaping isn't doing Lana any favors. Vaping is 10 times more dangerous then regular smoking. Lana's skin looks rough and that's all from vaping. If you think I'm kidding, here's proof. Some people have died from Vaping this year and one guy's lungs collapsed. It ruins your insides and outsides. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7437727/LA-County-resident-fifth-vaping-related-death-experts-warn-stop-using-e-cigarettes.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7433569/Teen-18-claims-nearly-died-vaping-starts-campaign-hospital-bed-ban-products.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7436241/Vaping-related-illness-claims-life-Indiana-officials-report.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7205061/Vaping-damage-brain-destroying-stem-cells-study-suggests.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7407181/Milwaukee-warns-people-stop-vaping-outbreak-lung-cases.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-7327283/Juul-pods-killed-18-year-old-college-students-lung-COLLAPSED-vaping-year.html Pretty soon it will be illegal to vape.
  8. The shit Lana is learning from that homophobic church she goes to every week. She sounds nuts here.
  9. You can say something intelligent to defend Lana in 140 characters. Come on now.
  10. Can you blame her? You got embarrassing Lana stans calling Ann: "rat" "fat" "faggot" "bitch" "ugly" "you are jealous of Lana" etc. If you're going to go after somebody, do it with some intelligence. All this is doing is showing the world how stupid and ignorant and homophobic "Lana fans" are. It's embarrassing. No wonder Ann Powers is getting so much love and support.
  11. In order to know what the hell was going on, I ended up skimming Ann Powers reviews. Honest to god, I don't think Ann's review on NFR is THAT bad. I was expecting something scathing. The Joni Mitchell was no big deal either. Pretty much that Joni's lyrics are complete in their description of what is going on (cooked) and Lana's wasn't too descriptive (uncooked). Not a great thing to say but also nothing that should have anger Lana so much compared to all the horrible things said about her years ago. Lana should have said nothing and ignored it. By her tweeting that, she brought more attention to Ann's review. Now there's a bunch of journalist attacking Lana to defend Ann. Even going after Lana's plastic surgery and name change.
  12. To be honest, when I saw the article was a 20,000 word essay, I couldn't even be bothered to read it.
  13. It's beyond time that she tours Asia. I'm sure she has fans there. Doesn't her albums sell well over there?
  14. Wait - what??!! Lana is dating an athlete? I thought she was with Chase?
  15. She ended things will Barrie so horribly. He suffers from deep depression. It's hard. He hated that Lana was supporting him financially too. Complicated. I'm glad he's doing better. It seems that financially he's still not doing good. He had a go fund me for recording his next album and not many people donated.
  16. It means dancing underneath her body.
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