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Speed Fairy

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About Speed Fairy

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  1. Well its so much weird that this man and Lana have no sexual tension between each other.
  2. Ah I see now. Thanks I hope he is not gay - he looks too sweet and he hasnt had probably anything with Lana.
  3. I know I may sound as a flop stan. But who is that man ? he always gives company to Lana. :shades:
  4. I think Lana is totally ok with this fact since she has posted "Love It" on his music video recently.
  5. How can you say this if you dont know any real facts and these things are just your impressions ??? I suppose you dont know about every action she makes since you are from Brazil and she doesnt need to be in media every day.
  6. Well its better song imho so not suprised. But she should release the video now. Her dates of releases are kinda mess, I dont want 2 videos to be released in a short period of time again.
  7. Lana Del God thinks we are still not prepared to by slayed this hard. Praise her generosity!
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