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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. It was her tv debut, so I'll cut her some slack. There's recent videos of her live shows on YouTube and she sounds better.
  2. I think they only offer mp3s but it's not available in the US so I can't buy it :/
  3. She was on David Letterman last night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI1Xt57o_90
  4. Now I'm worried about the quality of Science And Regret. Would buying it from Amazon be the best?
  5. Either way, I can't wait for more music from him!
  6. Yay, super excited! The snippet of the new song sounds great!
  7. I'll trade you for her EP though. I just bought it on iTunes. She seems so sweet lol. We've exchanged some tweets :-*
  8. I did that omg that fucking cat
  9. I wonder if she's releasing it at the same time in the U.S.
  10. I would have to have it imported which will come out to around $30. maybe a bit less but still
  11. Can you link me 'cause I just typed in 'Indiana No Romeo' in Amazon and all that shows up is a $27.99 audio cd available for pre-order.
  12. Send it! Is Seventeen downloadable for you too?
  13. I really enjoy her look. I haven't listened yet but I will once I get her EP.
  14. There wasn't? And I don't see one?
  15. yeah, I'll send it when I get home in a while.
  16. chloe just replied to my three-week-old comment on soundcloud
  17. Yes, the first two. Do you own a tube of Burt's Bees chapstick?
  18. I actually like the original lmao, and so does she so..... but yeah, hers is fun! The wrong lyric though "got your girl in the cut" not club baby. But I like it a lot. At this point, I love anything with her voice.
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