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Everything posted by comeintomybedroom

  1. MLK Day Drag You In Okay I need help with Money and Far Away.
  2. Omg, I seriously wanna go though. Like I said, I was freaked out and I woke up gasping for air at 5 in the morning. Now that it's later in the day, I'm like "what a dumbass I am, I'm so paranoid, I'll never die" etc.
  3. My Rulez Who You Think I Am Get Close To Me
  4. ew idk it's gross and embarrassing and i was like tired/scared as hell but couldn't go to sleep
  5. OH it's officially confirmed to be "one time" what's your source for this?
  6. I thought Arca woulda played a bigger part in LP1.
  7. Lol I'm sorry for spamming this thread with my personal business guys.
  8. u r a bitch. But I'm far from la. la and new york get everything smh.
  9. comeintomybedroom

    LIZ Y2K

    I have a Y2K14 (lol) playlist with Just Like You and That's My Man...along with like 300 other songs but I always listen to it.
  10. I feel like I'm just gonna listen to this album once but feel obligated to keep it in my library because it's gaga.
  11. Yeah, but barely. And it can go like a week without even a status update.
  12. Someone posted a link a few months ago in the thread. It's really not necessary, like discuss whatever you want about the artist in their threads.
  13. I was being sarcastic. I know that all of those forums flopped, so why do people keep insisting that someone make a whole website for someone who's really not big.
  14. Oh, you can stream LP1 on iTunes now.
  15. okay, with the success of marinaboards, nataliaboards, skyboards, grimesdaily, etc., why not?
  16. Oh yeah. Isn't it only a couple weeks old? I haven't heard it! Link me?
  17. I voted for Wallace when we first got the choice. I'm so hyped for Miss Camaraderie, Miss Amor and Soda because we've known of them since like the 1991 EP, so I wanna save them. Wallace has been confirmed for a while too, but yeah.
  18. If you rip if correctly with a digital USB record player, then it can be ripped in HQ.
  19. I love the art prints. I really kinda wanna buy the deluxe for them but idk I didn't buy the Ultra boxset so I feel weird.
  20. Weren't all those during the punk era?
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