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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. Slightly off topic, but I always attributed her soft background vocals contrasted w how imo drunkedly low she sang the chorus back to love, and mm yeah hard agree bout it possibly being connected to FIILY :lanacry2:
  2. Like w how she was trying to emulate The Carpenters(?) w the LFL cover n old hollywood makeup, I hope she incorporates Charo somehow
  3. There's a new vinyl listing on merchbar w some kind of standard black disc? emailed them a few days ago and they changed the cover to the chromatica symbol 'stead of the original cover. it's not the standard clear vinyl, bc it's already listed as a diff item, so lowkey waiting on that. the dream would be a neon pink vinyl to match the original cover.. has anyone gotten their signed cd's yet? was it an artcard or the actual booklet signed?
  4. I remember starting off, I got like soft rock, little bit of disco vibes from the title. like. Saturday Night Fever, but w more heat. didn't have much to really guess w but that's what I thought of.. It's too early to tell but I've already got some guesses on how things might be, based off the title. there's a classy kind of chaos to it so i'm real excited on how she's gonna sing about it
  5. oh ahahahahahaha no it's a compliment genuinely love the craziness u already know fs fs yeah
  6. I know some of ur ideas are pretty far off (something I think's pretty great of ya too) but like others n myself have mentioned, some kind of space station. then- bond chick ready to blow stuff up'd be fucking amazing. / perfect for a glamorous woman. bond crew messed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwbEuzJCnqI something about the word "forever" and how diamonds are literally the strongest material cultivated from carbon pressure. that and the guitars n bass n DRUMS swooping strings lemme just get that idea out thru the ether
  7. we started the thread, got the green vinyl, and the pink one too. this and the lemon teasing. it honestly just feels surreal
  8. honestly the title just oozes out some kind of social perspective discrepancy and some sort of disillusionment. when I think about HM, I immediately think of HBTB and Art Deco for some reason. and I hope so too yeah, like some kind of psychedelic twist to the cover.. about her own tone n perspective, I think so too, nd I hope she uses the deeper range of her voice w something on the record. like how fucking terrifying would that sound, it'd b amazing/ even bring back the shrills
  9. thanks! (: hoping we get something around those ideas, dk when she'll be posting but pretty excited on what she comes up w. Literally she could have a face as the cover, that'd be amazing but idk, it's whether or not she'd actually put any effort in it/ collab w someone who could fine tune the shot w her
  10. Split btwn the Flaunt mag shoot v. Galore mag. maybe an updated fusion of it both.. Slim Aarons filter it. off-white pearlescent vinyl. I hope there's a touch of wtf offness to it like her wielding a Tarantino'd nerf gun from the HBTB vid Aggressive HM vibes, w a touch of updated TNBAR chorus lyrics to piss people off satire. ice. ty
  11. I kinda wanna see a cult leader version of Lana. more ominous in the ways of Honeymoon. satire satire satire and something fucking icy.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv-sdTOw5cs
  13. was this like a project she mentioned? I know there're rumors for a Sour Candy mv but that's about it from what I hear also, checked the gaga forum: there's apparently a good alt for a vinyl sleeve that u have to make urself. credit to them of course for making us aware of it: https://intheclouds.io/products/printed-vinyl-jackets
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY58M1B6a1o
  15. Cool let's keep it going. I definitely think that education really plays a role. the video at the first post of this page really helped out in my understanding of how that happens. I know that education varies a lot here, there are privately funded schools, charter, and of course publicly funded. I can't really say much about my education since I've been to fairly known schools in the area growing up, but I do know of others that weren't so well funded, had lower retention rates. so there's a connection there. I know nothing about the Netherlands. Sinterklaas sorta sounds like Santa Claus to me tho, would that b right to connect? I hope it doesn't really still happen today.. does it? I'm really glad that the areas I've lived in/ live in the state never really had much trouble w race, but I guess that just depends on the neighborhood.. There are areas that people tend to avoid, bc of violence and higher crime rates. There's another connection.. and same here. Real glad that I've been exposed to all sorts of people, but I think maybe it's just bc I know all sorts of people as friends.. So if it's cool, how're things in the Netherlands right now? Ya mentioned the holiday? What else goes on? edit: @@TRENCH , thanks!
  16. Mhm yep. Sorry was gonna ask how things were in the Netherlands, just didn't wanna potentially derail the thread. No one's really active right now, so I guess it might b alrite for the time being. What's up? / also, for the main thread topic a friend on social media passed to me: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X4-YS3vFn5CLL9QtJSU0xqmTh_h8XilXgOqGAjZISBI/mobilebasic
  17. Mhm and after the video I thought so too yeah (honestly had no idea). Taxpayer here too, and I kinda had a grasp on where they go, but just never really followed it beyond that.. reading on it, but thanks..
  18. That was a really great answer.. but I'm guessing it's a bit more complex than that bc funding is separate.. is that right?
  19. This was a really great n concise informational video. Honestly, just had no idea that schools were funded partially on property taxes, which yeah would really affect the quality of schools, especially of redlining. I know that the bank's sort of like a separate entity that's kinda detached from the government (as well as have a different type of reach, economy, foreign ties etc.) , so, is there any kind of regulation that the government can enforce to get rid of that? never really understood how watching people get caught etc. was for the purpose of entertainment yeah. I mean I guess, justice? but most of the time it's kinda brutal.. but then again, watching it's sorta like good for understanding protocols and methods, but under the guise of a show, it'd be weird to realize/find out if footage was edited a certain way etc. last thing, i mean thru the lens of love we don't really know, but jeez no one can deny that it's even messier than before. genuinely now wondering how policemen managed to get into the Bartender bit of the triple nfr mv
  20. 4 months.. I kinda wanna know if WHF's still titled the same, and what (if) that has to do w her poetry.. before everything happened, she seemed pretty excited to release her work. We're not used to a very happy Lana so I wonder if that was an indicator for the track/album's sound. Atm I just get major Doin Time/ twilight zone vibes idk why
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