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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. hmmm. but that's on a Saturday .. been wondering that too. I know there's been tech difficulties, but random, was that earring always there?
  2. won't lie the leak got me hyped (even if it's just not directly connected) and September's gotten farther away now somehow
  3. Brb getting a maltshake sittin all dreamy while listening to this track ah
  4. I wanted the record to sting, but I didn't want it to like, too much pineapple in ur mouth sting also was it pineapple bc of its pH similar to a vagine bc lowkey that's genius
  5. nah ur all good, it just does happen a lot. keep the ideas coming personally I love em
  6. mm no that's cool. Aside from SoC I immediately thought of the SS photos of her w/ her white outfit on the lounge chair/ paradise cover vibes. personally thinking it's gonna have some kind of green in it, which is vague, but alluding to maybe the green in nature n other things. always a yes for hm, n lighter hair'd be a nice touch
  7. hmm.. same. Idk about u, but i'm already looking for similarities w her other stuff, like, maybe just the center standing pose, the arms are new and I kinda like the strange cradling effect it has. 'front of a city on top of a building. planes might b too literal, gives off American, as in culture vibes. light source at the left, from the glow of the plane bellies. idk why there's gotta be a plane going up her head 'less it was figurative, but it just looks like an awkward oversized hairpin that managed to lopside.. planes like the cartoon effect that's been going 'round, and similar to the nfr vid? maybe.. r u thinking of SoC video vibes too?
  8. maybe no so linear but it's a nice standalone concept. yes to hm vibes and she should I've many questions..
  9. . . . .. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fF4n1p_yAU
  10. EXACTLY. well, maybe a bit darker of a shade to compliment n contrast her skintone better but YES. imagine w the long hair, kinda like the DCMA video, but a lot more chic. do u know how many lives- richter off the charts
  11. SAME. I kinda doubt that it'd happen for chemtrails but ohmygod her potential for the genre. just-
  12. ok but can u just imagine. her most recent selfie. that or like major bouffant / beauty queen style hair w a latex-esque bodysuit. operating some space station. holograms. background of earth. floating mid-air. She could very well sing some of Britney's tracks, especially w some of her unreleased sounding similar to what Britney'd sing. a POP dream
  13. I know there've been others contesting like the lack of atmosphere of this record, never personal like that just an observation, but. well what's it like to ya's ? I'm thinking it might be overall the stripped back sound, which kinda lends to thought of just being in one place, or being stationary. Personally think it's perfect for when it's just real hot outside, night or day, and you've some moments to yourself before really doing anything. so, kinda like, being grounded, back to real life, which, is such a reverse sorta move to how outwardly cinematic her past stuff's been.. it's like it's quietly cinematic
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