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Make me your Dream Life

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Everything posted by Make me your Dream Life

  1. I think we all got that. From person to person, I think it'd be more effective and worthwhile if maybe u eased on generalities of who you call idiots and stupid people. Tryna mediate, but it just wouldn't sit w others well. and I get that you're allowed to say what you've said, but other posts sort of don't really help bridge anyone together. my opinion.. great, thanks!
  2. I know it'd be helpful to have a BLM thread on the forum here if anything. There are another 22 members on here. Can someone more qualified make it?
  3. I'm trying to organize a post so people can just read the main points, and try to update it when I can (others feel free to add). do u think I could add this to that? edit: thread updates *feel free to add.
  4. it seems like time just manages to thin all that off yeah. Barry, but don't u think it'd still be at least some kind of good for her to? Like granted, it's not up to us, and of course we'd like more music bc she's talented at it. but. Do u think it'd count for anything, at least a little?
  5. I genuinely wanna know what it's about. It's tricky having to check every single comment with repeat comments etc. Do you think you can tell me and others that might need to hear it?
  6. A bridge, something I've been trying to get on here. Both sides. I'd love for her to post. it should shine through. and if she does? Would that sate you regarding her?
  7. Clearly there is. and also, not everyone's up to speed with you. and what's wrong w having fact receipts to let others get up to speed?
  8. Can we get like an updated consensus from the thread or something on what people's views are, compile a statement about it so we can discuss things better? @MODS would it be in your power to collect data/ answers for a survey etc. or something? maybe we can get the main points of both sides thru a vote, and then talk about those topics? To get things straight. She's not perceived as racist, at least from this forum, but her post should've been worded better. She saw those women in a positive light. FKA pole, art. SZA. everyone's capable of being vulnerable. it's about the freedom of expressing what she mentioned in varying degrees. we're currently talking about whether or not she should post. if she does nothing, it'll make her look bad. if she does, it'll still probably be perceived by others as looking bad but the act should shine through. one of her managers posted on instagram about injustice, MLK Jr. quote. (is that why people are discussing etc. about it here more now?) is it anyone here's decision but hers to do so or not? edit: currently looking for my other post on here, listing the happenings so we don't have to echo back n forth as much. if we can get dry facts, feel free to share them please, ty. edit: found. adding. currently: pg 573, 574. from @ Kerem. People are saying that she shouldn't post cause she'd receive backlash cause of last week's events. What me and others are saying is posting is the right thing to do and she should do it no matter what. This isn't about her, her backlash, it's about contributing to the good, spreading good intentions.
  10. This is like, a genuine question. and to a degree, I already know what some answers are like but. what does Lana posting mean to you? Like others have already said, when it comes to looking at the bigger picture, no one's really gonna pay much mind to whether or not she says something, and w the whole week from before n what happened. and I get the platform talk, especially w isolation, and i'm not defending her for not, bc actually I'd like for her to mention something if anything, but is that her role? But what does it mean to you? really? Is it supposed to validate or renew your faith in her? your loyalty to her? is it about power, being able to be upset about her, so it gives you some kind of connection closer to her or something? bc not to be callous, but reality is, I mean fill in the blank. and if she doesn't, will it be some kind of end, burning the "stan" card? what does that even mean. can you handle it and look at yourself before you do? you're allowed to listen to her music and everything about being a fan doesn't have to parallel that. it's not forgoing ur principles, it's being wise enough to know that two things can be true. it's messy. we're human. we're all working on it. is her not posting attacking your ego? is it shame that you're feeling for her, for yourself? who? does it make you feel a bit better to hurl responsibility towards someone else? can u direct whatever you're feeling into something more productive? this is gonna sound so shitty, but I hope the message resonates in that when I say, you're upset about her, bc she doesn't seem to fill some kind of need that you'd like for her to perform, and project these things. the same woman people were surmising on whether or not she was mentally fit (there's concern, and then there's scrutiny), the same woman people critique as if those decisions were to enchant her into fulfilling those roles (I'm not different when I spew out ideas on the forum yeah, I get that, they're innocent for the most part for me) yet talking about her freedom, and who she dates for approval as if it mattered, speaking on the things she should do, shouldn't etc. is that fair? you can't have it both ways like that. at least not at the same time. fickle. truth is, we upset ourselves. at least to a degree. we can't touch her. and for a lot of reasons, that's a good thing. we're rooting for her, and I get the upset, it's can be dissonant having an artist that means a lot to you personally not fit in to what your expectations/values are. but reality is, is that hers for her shoulders to take alone? or did u impose these on her and then get upset bc she didn't. be upset I get it. but try to move past it and do better for yourselves. ourselves. we've all had or are having our share of hardships, let's not discount that one bit. she's fought hard for her life and probably went through what might break and have broken many. we're here. she's there. that's it. if u really want her support, find a meaningful way to get her attention. I'm aware that I'm writing in length, but the sway of comments just come off in regurgitation. damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. I'm writing, asking this. because yeah this is a forum based on her career. but it just. it seems like some (don't quote me on this) are getting genuinely, deeply upset, and ok I can get that who am I to impose on your reality, but getting dependent on what this woman says or doesn't. not to make anyone feel bad, but. something seems disproportionate. all we can do is make sure we're doing what WE can for those we care about, working together as and with our communities. maybe she'll follow suit, maybe she won't. but please step back a bit, take a breath and try to not be so dependent on her like that. she's not a medium. she's another human being. we all know what that's like, and sure, she's privileged, definitely, but she's also in a delicate sort of path of life, where literally she's got a lot to be responsible for on a personal basis. and the microscopes/magnifying glass' lasering at her in some room in her conscious. she's go to face so detachedly but still probably takes a toll. belonging to everyone and no one. can u imagine how alone that makes someone feel? i'm sure we all perform in our lives to a degree to maintain harmony. and if you know what that's like, could u empathize that magnification for her? like it's so easy. so. why does it mean so much to you personally? and if she let you down, so what? I hope u find whatever u need in yourself to press on. bc the world's not gonna stop spinning tomorrow (unless there was like a meteor i don't wanna trail off), telecommunications granted, likes, media follow thru. do u do it to defend? great- to shout into the void? also great, let it out, but try to be smart about it. but I'm thinking there are more important things that we could all be doing. even Lana-veined. I ask bc I genuinely wanna know. and this is gonna sound so cheesy but I really think it matters so I'm just gonna say it but, what I hope you take from this is, whatever impact you decide to make. I hope it's a positive kind, from a place of love and mindfulness than anything else. and that ur acts of kindness ripple into the collective, and that you genuinely touch others' souls and that it awakens something in them to want to perpetuate that synergy, appreciation, and love. if u can be the bigger person, please do it. I get that it's hard, really. but try to be better than those who failed before. we need it. there's a saying that goes like. yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I'm wise, so I'm changing myself. (edit: I thought it was gonna be like a philosopher like Socrates or something but it was Rumi loooooool but still). Have you looked into yourself today? are there things that you should be fixing for yourself first, so that maybe society has a better chance to follow suit? I get the write off's and I decided to write this long because maybe some people might've gotten something positive out of it, truly. It might be hard, don't bullshit yourself, but it pays off so much. and I hope it aligns this kind of resilience to you that renews you and what's it's like to be human. What's at least one thing, that u can practically do to move that positively forward? I've obligations to continue. and answers don't need to be upfront. just think about it.
  11. this was so fucking odd but still comforting and I think we really needed that ahahahahahahaha
  12. I get that people'd like for her to say something. Just fuck it and be there. who cares how people perceive it the act should shine, and if they don't get it, then leave them be to think things over. Maybe she's sore, maybe she's lounging who really knows. it'll seem apologetic. but a simple, "I'm aware of how this situation played out. I'm already doing reparation work etc. perceive this how you want, but I'm doing livestream/awareness spread etc. bc my heart aches for the people. be safe. insert links to petition etc." this might not be perceived as holistically selfless. she might not even be in the brightest of light, but that'd still be something towards a more unifying direction. still. maybe she's helping her friends right now. maybe she is doing work. maybe she is writing on events and reflecting. maybe her work's still fermenting and she wants to refine her statement and perceives it to be her best addition to help. there's a lot we don't know. maybe she just can't handle it right now. situation is she got checked last time she opened up. that plays into her being vocal. benefit of the doubt for the sake of principle. don't judge the woman for her past. that's just fucked up. no one should be subjugated casually if any reason, for the decisions they've made that they're still trying to live thru. care for the person that they are now, and hope that those positive ideals stay with them. and for verbal disclaimer, not trying to virtue signal or anything, but if anyone's gonna quote. I'm working on trying to make a change thru my studies and other actions. reach out to someone today. I believe in you. be smart and be perceptive. take care always.
  13. It'd be nice if she released the Change video../coachella outro
  14. I just want a proper gatefold w the cover ..
  15. Relay to another thread pls. / I hope her words sting w heat. We need a slowburn for this one.
  16. Billboard n USA Today are praising it yessssssss
  17. Lol no yeah that's natural and no honestly seeing her live and up close is just a totally different experience. she's just got a way of making ya feel welcome it's amazing. I haven't caught up on charli's yet and didn't even know 1975 had a new record so I'm probably gonna have to go check it out later. Chromatica's such a dance album it's just crazy how that can't happen rn at least, still, such a fucking highlight and the day hasn't even started yet hahahahahaha
  18. oh ahahahaha that's right and lol marathoning? That song's so dramatic but u just can't help but resonate w it. those ad libs towards the end, and the keytar(?) THE NIIIIIIIIIII AHHH AHH AY GHT THE NIIIIIIII AHHH AH GHT one of her best.
  19. wtf get stoned go happy birthday!! lmaaaoooo and idk for me, cheekyGa's always been cute to witness so it wasn't really anything bad, but I get how others like to pick so just verbal disclaimer. I've only seen her live for ASIB several times and she was amazinggg at every single "show" go enjoy ur day CHROMATICA'S OWT
  20. I feel like this record's just a lot more subtle and more psychological if that makes sense. she hides the pain really well imo. Sorry that it doesn't resonate tho, if anything it's still got some great tracks to dance to
  21. I LOVE SZA. her music's amazing, and I can understand the hurt. but after the (messy) effort Lana tried bridging, her comment seems like a write off.. everyone's capable of being able to be vulnerable. isn't it the degree and the expressions of it that Lana was talking about?
  22. I don't say this recklessly but I can honestly intuitively say this is my favorite. The overall vibe, laidback but still "there", the cohesive. The magic(?) to it from the strings and moments. I honestly loved ARTPOP from the start bc, lol well I just do its fun but this is such solid work. BTW's amazing but ngl I felt like some of it was a bit cheesy n yeah there are cheesy moments on Chromatica too, but it's more or less, coy? Electric Chapel, HML, Yoü and I, Judas among others on it, still an amazing album
  23. I really do hope she writes a positive nod, social commentary on what's happening right now. Lana I believe in you. Change 2.0 teas
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